

[Edited January 2 2019 -- to remove or replace dead visual-links]

Long ago Jonathan and I got some good traction out of a tangle of issues related to Global Warming slash Climate Change.  I think we are slated to renew or refresh our earlier exchanges.  I am going to poke in links to some he-said/he-saids from a few different threads at different times. One feature of the updated software is an automated 'sampling' of a link posted raw.  See below. 

So this blog entry will be kind of administrative-technical while being built and edited. I haven't figured out if Jonathan and I should impose some 'rules' going in, so your comment may be subject to arbitrary deletion before the field is ready for play. Fan notes included.



Adam, see what you think of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, especially the revealing map-based representations of opinion. You can drill and zoom down to state, county, district level to track data across a number of survey questions, where some of the answers are surprising. On some measures at least, the thing it is not found only in the UK, Quebec, Canada: Here's a snapshot of several maps which do not always show an expected Red State/Blue State pattern;

[images updated January 2 2019; click and go images]



[Deleted image-link]

Edited 4 May 2015 by william.scherk


Plug my How To Get Where I Got book of books, Spencer Weart's The Discovery of Global Warming. Insert link to Amazon, Library link, and to the intro chapter of Weart's companion website to the book. Make sure you include a link to Ellen's mention of a book review. 

Bob Kolker's June 3 comment is a good hinge. What do we (J and I) think we know about the mechanism Bob sketches? What can we 'stipulate' or what can we agree on, for the sake of argument?

On 6/3/2016 at 9:31 AM, BaalChatzaf said:

CO2 does  slow down the radiation of energy in the infra-red bandwith.  The question is to what degree  given that there are other systems that tend to diffuse and disperse heat (such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Nino, along with convection and the Coriolis Effect that moves warm are to the polar regions).  The scientific fact is that CO2 tends to absorb radiated energy in the infra red range.  That is NOT fabricated.  That is a matter of experimental fact. 

Please see http://scied.ucar.edu/carbon-dioxide-absorbs-and-re-emits-infrared-radiation

The issue is to what extent is the CO2 load of the atmosphere is slowing down heat radiation into space, when such absorbing or radiation occurs along with other heat dispersing processes.   

No denies that putting a blanket on, when it is cold slows down the rate at which one's body radiates heat.  Air is a poor heat conductor and the blanket traps air.  Also the blanket is warmed and radiates half its heat back to the source.  This produces a net slowing down of heat loss.  Heat loss still occurs (Second Law of Thermodynamics in operation)  but the rate of loss is affected. 

Tyndol and Arhenius  established the heat absorbing properties of CO2  in the late 19 th and early 20 th century.  Subsequent work has show the absorbtion to be the case and has measured it even more accurately than Tyndol and Arhenius. 




Edited by william.scherk
Adding replacement for 404 images that did not survive my server migrtion


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On 2/23/2020 at 1:06 PM, Jon Letendre said:

[1] Here is your insult:  “the visuo-spatially inept Jonathan.”

[2] I haven’t asked you to hurl insults at Bob, you incompetent liar.

[3] I asked you to backup your insults toward Jonathan.

Back up your insults toward Jonathan.

Can you back up your insults, Asshole? Doesn’t look like you can, so far.

So far it looks like you make up all your insults from thin air.

Show us one error Jonathan made in this long, complex visuo-spatial discussion, just one, Shit-for-Brains, so we can all see that you do not lie right through your teeth ... show us one error Jonathan made ... 


1. You are wrong – inept or lying – again. I didn’t use that v-word, numskull. That he failed to solve the coin rotation paradox is evidence of ineptness and is not made from “thin air.”

2. You said: “Bob Chatzaf says he logically proved there can be no such passages, and further, he says that “drawings are crutches for the logically feeble.” Are the people on that thread “logically feeble” and he their cognitive superior, as he insists? We need your help, Merlin.”

Given your strong preference for insults as substitutes for rational arguments, ‘nuff said.

3. You are very fond of double standards. Why don’t you demand that Jonathan backup his insults of me? I posted the Wikipedia page about the coin rotation paradox on this thread. For that he called me “visuospatially and mechanically inept,” which was wholly baseless and arbitrary. Moreover, given that he failed to solve the paradox and I succeeded, which one of us is inept?

Backup your insults of me, hypocrite.

Your insult is baseless, potty mouth. I didn’t refer to anything Jonathan said about the “1-mile S-W-N” riddle, lame brain.

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You are hilarious, Merlin, thank you.

But you are getting up there in age, like you pointed out about Bob, so I am going to give you a break. As you said, this is only appropriate given a high enough age,

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On 2/25/2020 at 2:06 PM, Jon Letendre said:

You are hilarious, Merlin, thank you.

But you are getting up there in age, like you pointed out about Bob, so I am going to give you a break. As you said, this is only appropriate given a high enough age,

Senility and Objectivishist Romanticized Ego don't go together well, do they? 

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Hey, did Billy get fed up with his own hypocrisy and decide to start walking the walk instead of just talking the talk? Is that why he no longer has an online presence? Is he off the grid, living in a Kaczynski shack that he constructed only from naturally-fallen timbers, gathering roots and berries while writing his manifesto using handmade ink and paper?


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His Twitter is still suspended. Shame that he cannot fit in anywhere.

The President of the United States follows all the rules of Twitter and is still welcome in that large community, but not Billy, Billy lacks the discipline and social grace to do the same.

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15 minutes ago, Jonathan said:

Hey, did Billy get fed up with his own hypocrisy and decide to start walking the walk instead of just talking the talk? Is that why he no longer has an online presence? Is he off the grid, living in a Kaczynski shack that he constructed only from naturally-fallen timbers, gathering roots and berries while writing his manifesto using handmade ink and paper?


He never did post a pic of his gas pipeline turned to “off,” did he? Does he burn raw wood? Is he a super-polluter? Total and complete hypocrite.

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22 hours ago, Jonathan said:

Is that why he no longer has an online presence? Is he off the grid, living in a Kaczynski shack ...


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On 3/7/2020 at 11:15 AM, william.scherk said:


It’s good to hear that you’re alive, Billy. Was it a coma? Still impaired? Well, I’m rooting for you. Some day soon you’ll be back to being able to write complete and coherent sentences. Thoughts and prayers headed your way, buddy.

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Did the manmade global warming climate change crisis emergency cause the coronavirus? I'm starting to hear that it did. The virus briefly distracted lefties from salivating over climate doom, but now they're beginning to remember to keep their focus, and to link anything bad to climate doom. How soon will the idea that the virus was caused by AGW become a "consensus" "settled science" "fact"?


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I’m sure they are torn between damning the climate emergency that caused coronavirus versus quietly celebrating the elimination of many CO2 emitters. The question of exactly what to feel I’m sure is causing great anxiety. Plus, comms are breaking down from The Storm, they are no longer being synchronized by Soros, so they are waiting patiently (they will have to wait forever) to be told what precise horseshit to spread.

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Come on, guys.

Without racism, none of this would happen.

Old white male racists who are greedy caused climate change and old white male racists caused the coronavirus over in Wuhan, China.

Fucking racists...


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Wahoo! The revival of Greta!

The leftist media had spent all of that time and effort shoving Greta in our faces, trying to make her influential, but then the damned Covid ended all of that. Solution? Let's have Greta be an expert on Covid! Fuck yeah!

Which policies will she support? Which punishments? How have we stolen her childhood and her dreams this time? By not wearing ineffective masks early enough? By not obeying soon enough? How daaaare you. You must bend the knee.




Beyond parody: CNN taps Greta Thunberg for expert coronavirus panel


The brave, hard-hitting journalists over at CNN are hosting a town hall Thursday evening on Coronavirus: Facts and Fears. Our First Amendment warriors are only bringing viewers the best of experts, such as former CDC Director Richard Besser, former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and … teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg.
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Typical "alarmist" headline followed by a  story of possible interest to followers of issues in this blog thread ...

The Arctic Is Unraveling as a Massive Heat Wave Grips the Region


It wouldn’t be spring in the climate change era without a massive heat wave in the Arctic.

Freakishly warm air has billowed up from Siberia over the Arctic Ocean and parts of Greenland, and the heat will only intensify in the coming days. The warmth is helping to spread widespread wildfires and to kickstart ice melt season early, both ominous signs of what summer could hold.

The Arctic has been on one recently. Russia had its hottest winter ever recorded, driven largely by Siberian heat. That heat hasn’t let up as the calendar turns to spring. In fact, it’s intensified and spread across the Arctic. Last month was the hottest April on record for the globe, driven by high Arctic temperatures that averaged an astounding 17 degrees Fahrenheit (9.4 degrees Celsius) above normal, according to NASA data.


Circumpolar jetstream is in one of its so-called "loose" periods ...


The 2-Metre Temperature Anomaly: 


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Hi kids, just checking in to see if anyone has gotten close to thinking about considering answering my unanswered questions on this thread, or explaining why they are not proper and therefore not deserving of answers. Any real science yet? Nope. I guess the Magical Thinkers still have nothing for those of us who are Evidence Seekers.

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On 5/19/2020 at 3:32 PM, william.scherk said:

Typical "alarmist" headline followed by a  story of possible interest to followers of issues in this blog thread ...

The Arctic Is Unraveling as a Massive Heat Wave Grips the Region


It wouldn’t be spring in the climate change era without a massive heat wave in the Arctic.

Polar Amplification just keeps rolling on ...

Siberian heat wave is driving massive wildfires, sea ice melt in Arctic

With Fires, Heat and a Cyclone, Arctic Breaks Melting Record

2m Temperature Anomaly

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Just doing my occasional check-in. Still no science? No answers to my questions? Even Snuggletits Brad still unable to handle the issue? Tasty steamed octopus recipes? Tee hee hee?

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What is true and untrue? If you check long term temperature charts you can see that the earth is in a temporary upswing in climatic temperature inside a much larger downturn in temperature. Man can locally affect weather as in the “heat island affect.” Cities are warmer than the countryside because the buildings collect solar energy. Professor Plimer, a geologist at the University of Adelaide, argued persuasively that warming is not caused by man but by the sun.

Generally and in a historical sense, is climatic warming good for humans? I say it is. Of course, I agree that in some places the weather will be worse, but generally warming is better for humans. Is the sea level rising? It is a bit, but not catastrophically. It rises and it falls. The tiny, island nation of Tuvalu, in the Pacific sued the United States for causing a sea level rise but dropped their case in front of the United Nations because their land area is roughly staying the same. And there are places in Florida where the seas are encroaching on settled land because of ground water depletion, not from a sea level rise.

There was a scandal involving leaked documents from England’s University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (dubbed "Climategate" in the media.) It began in November 2009 when thousands of emails and other documents were made public. The UK newspaper “The Guardian” reported that much of the data to support man-made global warming which was presented to the United Nations, AND used by global warming proponents as proof, was a lie. And then they lied about the lie.

I see there has been a lot of rain around the Gulf of Mexico recently. And those migrants on our border left their homelands because of the two catastrophic hurricanes that hit them last year. The current warming of the planet will continue to affect areas closest to the equator. Damn. Bold and italic for emphasis is fun to use. Peter     

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Another fun fact? Australia moves approximately 1.5 to 2.2 inches north and closer to the equator every year . . . bringing higher temperatures to the continent. The population of Australia is predominantly in the south and east somewhat further away from the equator, and that is because of  . . .?  

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4 hours ago, Peter said:

The current warming of the planet will continue to affect areas closest to the equator.

And "Polar Amplification"?

4 hours ago, Peter said:

Professor Plimer, a geologist at the University of Adelaide, argued persuasively that warming is not caused by man but by the sun.

I read Plimer's book "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming – The Missing Science." As with any book that purports to be authoritative, it has had mixed reviews. It can take time to analyze claims made.

How would you and I know if Plimer's views as presented in Heaven and Earth are correct, Peter?

I usually recommend climate change "dismissives" take a good look inside Spencer Weart's history book The Discovery of Global Warming. An excerpt that shouldn't tax anybody appeared in Scientific American in 2012.





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4 hours ago, william.scherk said:

How would you and I know if Plimer's views as presented in Heaven and Earth are correct, Peter?

I took Physical Geography many years ago and much of what I learned at University supported Plimer's views.  I probably have some old letters on OL or Atlantis where I mention Professor Plimer and I may look for them. I still have the book but it may be in a box somewhere, lost to view but if I find it I will reread it.    

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17 hours ago, william.scherk said:

How would you and I know if Plimer's views as presented in Heaven and Earth are correct, Peter?


Have you considered science? Apply the scientific method.

Do you understand the scientific method yet?

No? Still trying your hardest to avoid it?


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