

[Edited January 2 2019 -- to remove or replace dead visual-links]

Long ago Jonathan and I got some good traction out of a tangle of issues related to Global Warming slash Climate Change.  I think we are slated to renew or refresh our earlier exchanges.  I am going to poke in links to some he-said/he-saids from a few different threads at different times. One feature of the updated software is an automated 'sampling' of a link posted raw.  See below. 

So this blog entry will be kind of administrative-technical while being built and edited. I haven't figured out if Jonathan and I should impose some 'rules' going in, so your comment may be subject to arbitrary deletion before the field is ready for play. Fan notes included.



Adam, see what you think of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, especially the revealing map-based representations of opinion. You can drill and zoom down to state, county, district level to track data across a number of survey questions, where some of the answers are surprising. On some measures at least, the thing it is not found only in the UK, Quebec, Canada: Here's a snapshot of several maps which do not always show an expected Red State/Blue State pattern;

[images updated January 2 2019; click and go images]



[Deleted image-link]

Edited 4 May 2015 by william.scherk


Plug my How To Get Where I Got book of books, Spencer Weart's The Discovery of Global Warming. Insert link to Amazon, Library link, and to the intro chapter of Weart's companion website to the book. Make sure you include a link to Ellen's mention of a book review. 

Bob Kolker's June 3 comment is a good hinge. What do we (J and I) think we know about the mechanism Bob sketches? What can we 'stipulate' or what can we agree on, for the sake of argument?

On 6/3/2016 at 9:31 AM, BaalChatzaf said:

CO2 does  slow down the radiation of energy in the infra-red bandwith.  The question is to what degree  given that there are other systems that tend to diffuse and disperse heat (such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Nino, along with convection and the Coriolis Effect that moves warm are to the polar regions).  The scientific fact is that CO2 tends to absorb radiated energy in the infra red range.  That is NOT fabricated.  That is a matter of experimental fact. 

Please see http://scied.ucar.edu/carbon-dioxide-absorbs-and-re-emits-infrared-radiation

The issue is to what extent is the CO2 load of the atmosphere is slowing down heat radiation into space, when such absorbing or radiation occurs along with other heat dispersing processes.   

No denies that putting a blanket on, when it is cold slows down the rate at which one's body radiates heat.  Air is a poor heat conductor and the blanket traps air.  Also the blanket is warmed and radiates half its heat back to the source.  This produces a net slowing down of heat loss.  Heat loss still occurs (Second Law of Thermodynamics in operation)  but the rate of loss is affected. 

Tyndol and Arhenius  established the heat absorbing properties of CO2  in the late 19 th and early 20 th century.  Subsequent work has show the absorbtion to be the case and has measured it even more accurately than Tyndol and Arhenius. 




Edited by william.scherk
Adding replacement for 404 images that did not survive my server migrtion


Recommended Comments

56 minutes ago, Brant Gaede said:

We all speak English, but are separated by the language.

Just like the Brits and Americans.


well, not quite

We are the Others™. Lesser beings. Things. Insects. Our questions are an annoying buzz. One doesn’t converse with insects. One either ignores, manages or controls, or exterminates insects.

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Nah, they know they are the lesser beings. That’s why they hate us and cannot remain on the intellectual plane in any discussion. They hate us intensely for being so much better than them and not doing anything to help hide the fact. Projecting it onto us and putting on airs to the contrary is a necessary defense mechanism, so they can get up and face the day despite what they (always struggling to keep sub-) consciously know about themselves.

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On 2/17/2020 at 3:24 AM, merjet said:


No, fabricator. I didn't fall for an "illusion" and said nothing about being being dazzled. I dared the conceptually and mechanically inept Jonathan to explain why what happens does happen. He failed. You and Brant also didn't explain why or even feel it was needed. I'm not surprised. None of you saw the significance of the center of the moving coin. Déjà vu.
Analysis and Solution
Why does the moving coin make two rotations? From start to end the center of the moving coin travels a circular path. The radius of that path is twice either coin's radius. Hence, the circumference of the path is twice either coin's circumference. How much the moving coin rotates around its own center en route, even if none, or in what direction -- clockwise, counterclockwise, or some of both -- has no effect on the length of the path. That the coin rotates twice per the description on Wikipedia makes a distraction.

Excellent, Merlin.

Now do this one ...


Bob Chatzaf says he logically proved there can be no such passages, and further, he says that “drawings are crutches for the logically feeble.” Are the people on that thread “logically feeble” and he their cognitive superior, as he insists? We need your help, Merlin.

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14 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:

Excellent, Merlin.

Now do this one ...


Bob Chatzaf says he logically proved there can be no such passages, and further, he says that “drawings are crutches for the logically feeble.” Are the people on that thread “logically feeble” and he their cognitive superior, as he insists? We need your help, Merlin.

Elon Musk's Favorite Riddle  I have no desire to sling arrows at BaalChatzaf. He hasn't posted here in 4 months. He is getting up there in years. Give him a break.  

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2 hours ago, merjet said:

Elon Musk's Favorite Riddle  I have no desire to sling arrows at BaalChatzaf. He hasn't posted here in 4 months. He is getting up there in years. Give him a break.  

So, you’re saying that Bob is wrong? And it’s probably due to his old age?


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2 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

I'm 75. Lay off me.


You actually seem to have gotten less crazy with age.


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9 hours ago, merjet said:

I have no desire to sling arrows at BaalChatzaf. He hasn't posted here in 4 months. He is getting up there in years. Give him a break.  

This is subtle confirmation of what I was just saying about Merlin’s intentions here at OL, or likely in any social engagements he indulges in.

I invited him to join a conversation. What is that, though, joining a conversation? Why? To what end?

Most people would say join the conversation because it will be enjoyable, you could learn a new thing, it will be a contribution perhaps even helping some of those involved resolve their thinking on the matter, etc, etc, etc.

But how does Merlin think about it?

He sees that if he joins the conversation it will have to include going against Bob and he does not hate Bob so he is not interested. It would involve implicitly backing Jon and Jonathan who he hates, so he is not interested.



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1 hour ago, Jon Letendre said:

Brant is a gentleman and a sincere intellectual.

I agree. But I can still tease him.


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“I agree. But I can still tease him.” J wrote aboot Brant.

Let me jockey back to Canadian jokes. Did you do know William Scherk joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police when he was a mere 17 years old in spite of his short height of a mere 4 foot 7? He had to endure hateful Canadian jokes like, “What do you call a short, dumb person? A Shrimpleton.”

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On 2/17/2020 at 3:24 AM, merjet said:

 the conceptually and mechanically inept Jonathan

Jonathan participates heavily in discussion below, both conceptually and visuo-spatially.

Since he is so inept, since you are not at all a stone-cold liar indulging in classic narcissistic projection about that, then he surely committed many errors in a complex visuo-spatial conversation?

So point one out to us, you miserable little Shit-for-Brains ... 



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15 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

I hope [Bob's] ok.

Bob was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's along with his characteristic Aspie obliviousness.  I started to wonder toward the end of last year if he'd died, and I took to periodically checking his User Profile to see if he'd signed in.  He did sign in on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, and then again on February 6.


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5 minutes ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Bob was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's along with his characteristic Aspie obliviousness.  I started to wonder toward the end of last year if he'd died, and I took to periodically checking his User Profile to see if he'd signed in.  He did sign in on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, and then again on February 6.


You are the best, Ellen. February 6th is not too long ago. I know Bob mentioned bicycling which is a good omen for immortality.  

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13 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Bob was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's along with his characteristic Aspie obliviousness.  I started to wonder toward the end of last year if he'd died, and I took to periodically checking his User Profile to see if he'd signed in.  He did sign in on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, and then again on February 6.



I have great affection for Bob. Even at his most Aspie. (He could be trying, though. :) )

I hope his participation on OL over the years has been a joy to him.

He was scorned just about everywhere else he went on the Internet.

I'm sorry I never met him in person.

And I hope whatever he is going through right now is not awful. It can't be great, but I hope it's bearable and has some upsides.


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I have great affection for Bob. Even at his most Aspie. (He could be trying, though. :) 

Ditto.  And for the rest of your post, too.

I'll add that, frustrating though Bob can be to try to have a conversation with, he's contributed many little vignettes about scientific history and substance which I've found interesting to read for themselves.


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I see. Jon unwittingly reveals his dominant motive for visiting OL. It is not to learn or discuss, but to hurl crap and insults at other people he hates and know he is a "snake." He is so disappointed that I won't join him in his hurling crap and insults at BaalChatzaf, who may not even read them. Foul-mouthed Jon's pseudo-self-esteem remains in need of a big boost. He'd have a much better chance of a boost by begging Jonathan, MSK, or Ellen. 😄

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On 2/21/2020 at 11:28 AM, Jon Letendre said:

Brant is a gentleman and a sincere intellectual. 

I started to blush until I realized you didn't call me a genius.

Ah, well. One gathers what one can and then one tries further.


if you (I?) only knew the power of my dark side

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7 hours ago, merjet said:

I see. Jon unwittingly reveals his dominant motive for visiting OL. It is not to learn or discuss, but to hurl crap and insults at other people he hates and know he is a "snake." He is so disappointed that I won't join him in his hurling crap and insults at BaalChatzaf, who may not even read them. Foul-mouthed Jon's pseudo-self-esteem remains in need of a big boost. He'd have a much better chance of a boost by begging Jonathan, MSK, or Ellen. 😄

Here is your insult:  “the visuo-spatially inept Jonathan.”

I haven’t asked you to hurl insults at Bob, you incompetent liar.

I asked you to backup your insults toward Jonathan.

Back up your insults toward Jonathan.

Can you back up your insults, Asshole? Doesn’t look like you can, so far.

So far it looks like you make up all your insults from thin air.

Show us one error Jonathan made in this long, complex visuo-spatial discussion, just one, Shit-for-Brains, so we can all see that you do not lie right through your teeth ... show us one error Jonathan made ... 



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Hey Billyboylover, aren’t you supposed to be saving the planet by supporting your hilariously stupid climate beliefs with actual science?

Why are you wasting your time choosing my comments for highlighting and adding to Recommended Comments and declaring me the “emperor’s new policeman”?

We are running out of time, Billyboylover. The planet is running out of time.Are You not really serious and sincere about all that, afterall? Then why are you sitting around twiddling your little thing while earth burns? 

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There's a new girl in the climate doom propaganda game.



YouTuber campaigns against ‘climate alarmism,’ drawing comparisons to Greta Thunberg 

Feb. 23, 2020 at 5:24 pm Updated Feb. 23, 2020 at 7:01 pm 
Naomi Seibt poses for a portrait near her home in Munster, Germany. Seibt, 19, uses YouTube to denounce “climate alarmism,” countering the arguments of young climate activist Greta Thunberg. (Photo for The Washington Post by Sebastien Van Malleghem).
“I don’t want to get people to stop believing in man-made climate change, not at all,” Naomi Seibt said. (Photo for The Washington Post by Sebastien Van Malleghem).By 
The Washington Post

For climate skeptics, it’s hard to compete with the youthful appeal of global phenomenon Greta Thunberg. But one U.S. think tank hopes it’s found an answer: the anti-Greta.

Naomi Seibt is a 19-year-old German who, like Greta, is blond, eloquent and 


Do a search for "Naomi vs Greta." What a contrast in the left media's style of coverage of Naomi versus that of Greta. Hilarious.


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