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A new poetic treatment



On 4/1/2016 at 11:57 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

It is this lack of not seeing Drumpf supporters--this is the galling thing they face all the time and the reason they stop listening to their so-called intellectual betters.

Lots and lots of people who live and think like I do (in all demographics) think the same.

People like you simply don't see people like us.


It's not that you disagree. You refuse to see us. You deny we exist in any form other than the one you want to believe.

And that form is wrong. I know. Why? I'm the thing under examination.


On 4/1/2016 at 11:57 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


To you, it's all about Drumpf the man. The narcissist. The monster. 


To people like me, it's the great things Drumpf embodies.




On 4/1/2016 at 11:57 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


If Drumpf betrays these values, Drumpf supporters will turn on him on a dime. Well... maybe after a little while because they won't want to believe it at first. But they would turn on him hard if he stops being what he stands for and it would be ugly. 

If you want to know why Drumpf supporters are immune to all arguments, theories, gotchas and so on, and why no theory seems to explain it however clever, they use their eyes before they use words.

Do you want to get me to doubt Drumpf?


Show me shoddy workmanship by him.

Show me a building falling down because he cheated on building material specs to skim money. 

Show me his war profits.

Show me the people he has ordered to be killed.

Show me things like that.

Then you will get my attention. 

Don't let me look at a magnificent skyscraper and tell me bullying built it.

Don't let me look at bestselling books I read and liked and tell me they are nothing but nonsense and lies.


Don't let me look at all the millionaires Drumpf  created through his free market production and say they have been trampled underfoot by a greedy narcissist.

Don't let me look at all those people telling Drumpf how he helped them out when they were down and tell me he is a monster.



Most of all, don't let me look at all those dead soldiers and broken and maimed vets who fought in wars strictly for the oil profits of a ruler class and tell me that is freedom and the constitution


(like the establishment folks do).


And, by contrast, don't let me see Drumpf's campaign manager brush a pushy reporter out of a security path

and tell me he is a thug who should be in jail.

I (including Drumpf supporters and Drumpf)


am not like you think I am and I fear I cannot explain it in words only.


You have to use your eyes before the words.

You have to see me. I can talk intelligently about what you see when you say it.

I can't talk intelligently about what you hate and fear,

not when I'm among the very thing your words misrepresent.

Saying I don't exist doesn't make me stop existing. But you could probably prove I don't exist with a syllogism or two, especially if you juice it up with strong emotion and say it's Drumpf...

Drumpf reflects Drumpf supporters. It's not the other way around.

Once you grok that, many things will make sense to you 

that you never saw before. 




Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Maybe this means something, maybe it doesn't.


42 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Like he was all during last year?

How did all those data-driven Drumpf is tanking predictions work out for him?


56 minutes ago, Peter said:

At 1pm, Saturday, it was just announced Drumpf is still 10 points behind Cruz in Wisconsin with 3 days to go. I wish a political statistician would do continuing risk analyses of the Drumpf candidacy. Look both ways, Snoop Cat, before crossing the road. Larry Sabato, University of Virginia political scientist, as an example, would be a good choice to be in charge with Data as his number’s cruncher.

1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Mr. Edming said his position is common in his part of the state.

“I’ve talked to a kazillion people here in the last two to three weeks,” he said. “The more and more that they attack Drumpf, the more people are going to vote for him.”





1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Republican state assemblyman James “Jimmy Boy” Edming said in an interview that attacks on Mr. Drumpf from the state’s leading elected Republicans and talk-radio hosts  drove him to support the businessman after previously backing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.




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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Maybe this means something, maybe it doesn't.


42 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Like he was all during last year?

How did all those data-driven Drumpf is tanking predictions work out for him?


56 minutes ago, Peter said:

At 1pm, Saturday, it was just announced Drumpf is still 10 points behind Cruz in Wisconsin with 3 days to go. I wish a political statistician would do continuing risk analyses of the Drumpf candidacy. Look both ways, Snoop Cat, before crossing the road. Larry Sabato, University of Virginia political scientist, as an example, would be a good choice to be in charge with Data as his number’s cruncher.

1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Mr. Edming said his position is common in his part of the state.

“I’ve talked to a kazillion people here in the last two to three weeks,” he said. “The more and more that they attack Drumpf, the more people are going to vote for him.”





1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Republican state assemblyman James “Jimmy Boy” Edming said in an interview that attacks on Mr. Drumpf from the state’s leading elected Republicans and talk-radio hosts  drove him to support the businessman after previously backing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.




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