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On the killing of dogs by police officers

Chris Grieb


In the last couple of weeks the home of the mayor of a small Prince George's County was raided by a swat team because the home had received a delivery of marijuana.

The mayor and his family were subjected to all the thing that happen in these actions including the killing of his two dogs.

If you read Radley Balko's blog The Agitator he has a host of stories of this sort.

The people who were raided were held for over an hour withe their dead dogs very close to them.

There are investigations going on let's hope there's no white wash.


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The incompetence of the PGC Police, the arrogance of their chief (refusing to apologize and reluctantly clearing the Mayor and his wife's name)makes my blood boil. I've written several letters to the department expressing my outrage but have not yet received a response. Unbelievable!


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The incompetence of the PGC Police, the arrogance of their chief (refusing to apologize and reluctantly clearing the Mayor and his wife's name)makes my blood boil. I've written several letters to the department expressing my outrage but have not yet received a response. Unbelievable!


Mick; I am not surprised at your not getting any reply. Chris

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The incompetence of the PGC Police, the arrogance of their chief (refusing to apologize and reluctantly clearing the Mayor and his wife's name)makes my blood boil. I've written several letters to the department expressing my outrage but have not yet received a response. Unbelievable!


Mick; I am not surprised at your not getting any reply. Chris

Yesterday another shooting by a Prince George's policeman this time ending in the death of an Hispanic male. The Hispanic male is supposed to have tried to grab either the officer's night stick or his gun. Probably the crime was being drunk while brown.

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Cato is having an event on Sept 11 at 4pm about swat team raids. I plan to be there for it but if you can't get to Cato you can watch the event at Cato.com. The mayor whose dogs were killed is one of the panelists.

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The Washington Post reports today that the Prince George's Sheriff Department said they did nothing wrong in the killing of the dogs. The feeling you are experiencing is called non-surprise.

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