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Initial posting of Aspberger's World



I will make the first posting to my blog.

1. I always wanted a blog. Now I have one. Thank you, MSK.

2. Here is place for mindless people like me. I have Aspberger's syndrome, a neural variant found in about 20 percent of the U.S. population. Our intellectual machinery does not work quite the same way as for Neuro-Typicals (you guys).

3. People like me tend to trades and professions that are rule-based and are rewarding to the literal minded. There are a lot of Aspies in the computer and software business along with high functioning autistic folk.

4. We tend not to read between the lines, but take things at face value, often literally. Such is our nature.

Us Aspies (that is what Aspberger people call themselves) are not prone to introspection and are solidly brain-based. I personally, do not believe there is a self standing substance (res cogitens) which constitutes the Mind. I believe firmly that Mind is an operation and attribute of Matter, in particular the Matter of the the sentient brain. The Mind (I believe) is the working of the brain or parts thereof and not the manifestation of some entity or substance that is not subject to physical laws. In short I reject Caresian Duality in the entirety and I concur with Demikritos and Lucippus that the world consists of matter/energy doing its thing in space and time.

This tendency toward literalness is often annoying to the NT's (Neuro-Typicals) and has produced a certain amount of pain for me (other Aspies report similar experience). This includes being shunned, mocked and even beaten up. Even today in my old age, I am accused by some of being stubborn and annoying just to be annoying. They tell me that I know better. Actually I don't know better and that is the point. I have discovered empirically that Objectivists sometimes react with hostility to folks like the Aspies and accuse of us being Evil Evaders ™. Such is not the case. We cannot see what we cannot see. One does not blame the blind for not seeing. It is neither just nor fair to do so.

Aspies have no ectoplasmic bats in their belfries nor ghosts in their attic. There is no ghost in our machine, the Cartesian theater is closed and we are made of the same stuff as animals, vegetables and minerals. No Mind (as a separate entity), no Soul, no Ghosts. Hume had us pegged correctly.

Ba'al Chatzaf


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Well think of the condition has being somewhat tune deaf in a musical world. It can be disconcerting but one can adapt to it.

I will get into more detail on how I adapted.

Could you do me a big favor. Could you tell me how to add another entry to the blog. I can't seem to find a new entry button.

As the dyslexic said when he was in trouble -- Pleh, Pleh!

Ba'al Chatzaf

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So you must be good at constructing SQL queries eh? I write them everyday at work and sometimes I just write them using my intuition and they work. If someone asked me why they work I honestly could'nt explain since I never had any formal training in it. I intermix them with a lot of PHP code so they don't have to be too sophisticated.

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So you must be good at constructing SQL queries eh? I write them everyday at work and sometimes I just write them using my intuition and they work. If someone asked me why they work I honestly could'nt explain since I never had any formal training in it. I intermix them with a lot of PHP code so they don't have to be too sophisticated.

I invented a variant of SQL independently of Ted Codd. I was a tad disappointed that Codd scooped me but that is the way it goes. Thinking interms of second order predicate logic is like breathing for me. It comes natural. I am a flesh and blood automaton and I pass the Turing test with flying colors. I can even pass for human. Most of my career in software revolved around relational data bases and object oriented data bases. My main Good Trick was constructing data base systems with guardians that prevented badly structured data from being entered in the first place. The best way to keep a data base clean is to prevent it from getting dirty.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I have been doing some investigating and it just might be the case that Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were Aspies. This must be speculative because neither of these persons are still around to examine. The speculation is based on biographical data which indicates the both Newton and Einstein exhibit non-typical behavior when they were young and exhibited some the the single-mindedness and non-sociability associated with Asperger's Syndrome.

One of my favorite fantasies is that back in the days when Cro-Magnons were settling in Europe there was some Cro-Mag nerd who spent his time busting up flint to see how to make pointy and sharp things pointier and sharper. Was the original Clovis arrow point designer a nerd? Or that nerd in the cave drawing pictures of animals instead of being sociable and gabbing with his mates around the fire. Sort of like software nerds hunkered down before a computer monitor doing their dream-doodles. Hmmmm..... Maybe?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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