Kat's Blog

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*Results not Typical



Wooooooo Hooooooo!!!! I DID IT!

I maintained my goal weight through my birthday, the holidays, some pizzas and one of those all the meat you can possibly eat Brazilian steakhouses. And I actually went down a pound. I was actually getting a little nervous there for awhile with all that food and not being able to weigh in for several weeks because of the Weight Watchers meetings being cancelled for three sessions due to the holidays. When week number six rolled around, I had to miss the meeting to take my kid to a doctor's appointment.

Anyhoo.... I made it. I rock and I have a brand new sized small black t-shirt and a golden key for becoming a lifetime member. The t-shirt reads in small print, "*Results not typical." That is the usual disclaimer in ads for weight loss products and we adopted that little slogan for the t-shirts for lifetime members of our group. I think its pretty cool.

I feel great. I reached my goal and lost 35 pounds since summer 2006.

Kat's NOT fat!

(crossposted to my my weight loss blog)

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