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My Introduction to Ayn Rand and Objectivism

Chris Grieb


After reading Robert Bidinotto's wonderful essay in the new TIA about his introduction to Rand and her ideas I would share my story.

My first introduction was in high school where another student had read and liked Atlas Shrugged. I was vaguely aware of the book and had picked up some of the negative reviews. I did not actually read Atlas until after we had moved to the DC area. Interestingly enough a fellow student at the Christian Science Sunday School had read the book and liked it.

My first reading of Atlas had not convinced me. I also must say that I had read the review by Whitaker Chambers in National Review and it had effected my view of Atlas. Like Bidinotto I was something of a National Review conservative. I was supporting Barry Goldwater for President.

In the summer and fall of 1964 I was strong for Goldwater. I helped the country chairman in my Pennsylvania county. At a fairly early point it was clear that Goldwater was going to lose even so I went into the country headquarters to help out. Some of the ladies were talking about a telegraph they had sent. I asked who they had telegraphed and they said Billy Graham. I was not an atheist or a follower of Ayn Rand but my emotional reaction to these actions was uncomfortable. I remember thinking that this was not the best thing to do. I later found that many such telegrams had been sent to no avail. Billy Graham was very embarrassed because he was with President Johnson. The Goldwater defeat was as bad as predicted. I did not see a bright path for the right wing.

Interestingly enough the New York Times in an article where they had interviewed individuals on the Right about the defeat had in addition to National Review also interviewed a spokesman for the Nathaniel Branden Institute. I still had questions about Miss Rand and her ideas.

I was soon to find an answer. I walked into a bookstore in Washington and in front of the store was a display of copies of "The Virtue of Selfishness". Virtue was originally published in paperback so I could afford it . Many of my questions were answered. Later I enrolled in NBI courses. I have considered myself a student of Objectivism ever since.


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