Lord Stanley Round 2 2018

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I like Nashville, I love Jets.

at least they're not the NJ Nets

or the new-minted New York Mets, 

so broken-hearted in Toronto,

I must live, though I don't want to,

therefore must I place my bet

 (if I don't ask I'll never get)

and pin my heart upon PK

but my scant money on Laine.

O hockey gods,  whom there's no pleasing,

when will you cease divinely teasing?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I said  (I thought it was here, but obviously not) that I can't find any pleasure in the anguish of the defeated,  and watching Pekka Rinne bearing that anguish so manfully, brought tears to my eyes. And the stoicism of the handshake.

It is an enforced hypocrisy, I suppose.  Inside just wild beasts who would rather die or kill than be constrained  to shake hands with those who defeated them, or tried to defeat them.

Outside, true men to admire, and support.

It is a discipline which the practitioners of supposedly higher pursuits, like politics,  have gleefully abandoned,  to their degradation. 

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"Breathes there the man with soul so dead, who never to himself has said---

this is my own, my native game!


Can't watch the Winnipeg joy or the Vegas justified pride, there is a limit to how much I can cry before the series even starts. Cannot think of a player on either team I do not admire with all my might.  

Games started in antiquity as honour to the gods, and they continue tonight in then-unimagined North America, wreathed already in glory.

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Carol Jane quoted: "Breathes there the man with soul so dead, who never to himself has said--- this is my own, my native game!

Born Free (1967) - ANDY WILLIAMS

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'Cause you're born free . . . .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thorough as always, President Trump has reportedly been monitoring  the behaviour of NHL players during the National Anthem in the final Cup round.  He fulminates that players disrespect the flag by "shuffling around",  nudging each other and heinously , spitti'ng on the ice, and demands that the League fire the offenders, and in the case of non-American players (that would be the majority of them) deport them first and ask questions later.

Well, that's what a lot of people are saying.

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Really no losers at the final for fans at least, with Ovie getting his long-deserved cup and the gallant Knights fighting to the very end of a season that will require some new English sports word to describe it.

The Marlies are still in the Calder Cup final but Texas made it even last night, 2-2.

One of the stars of the final, who scored the tying goal, has previously said that if Washington won and was invited to the White House he would not go.  Premier-Elect Ford had already called Pres Trump and offered to deport the guy back to the US to be  punished for his traitorous attitudes,when he was told the guy was from Scarborough, Ontario. 

That did not faze Ford, he said that those details won't  be so important once he gets his Red Tape Bonfires going. 

We're doomed.

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Interesting. Trump is already hedging his bets, saying "if they want to be here" he will invite the Stanley Cup winners, effectively passing the puck to team owner Ted Leonsis, who is no Ed Snider but equally impressive in this way.

It's sad for the players who really want to meet him to have dissension about being honoured by America's highest official. I hope there are not too many of them.

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Attention, attention!  I am going to commend President Trump for something!

He has encouraged federal employees to take 2 hours off work for the Capitals' victory parade tomorrow and has congratulated them warmly. 

Showing that he has proper respect for at least one vital component of North American life.

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