SOLO-International Press Releases


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SOLO-International Press Release: Stop This Farce; Kill This Monster!

June 27, 2008

First-World countries, of which Zimbabwe used to be one, stand indicted for their failure to have Robert Mugabe assassinated and his vile regime removed, says SOLO Principal Lindsay Perigo...

I love SOLO-International "press releases." They're so typically, Pigeronianally self-important and overblown. And everything works so well together that you really can't isolate which aspect is the funniest. Is it the fact Pigero calls himself, and a handful of toadies, "SOLO-International"? Is it that fact that Pigero has given himself the title "SOLO Principal"? Is it the fact that he seems to believe that, by pretending that he and a few followers are an international organization with a "Principal," anyone is going to be fooled into thinking that they're anything other than a tiny nest of delusional cranks? Is it the fact that the "press releases" often include Pigero's mind-bogglingly clever use of alliteration? No, I really don't think you can select one aspect as being the most ridiculous.

Sometimes when I see the words "SOLO-International Press Release" I envision Pigero working out of his "international headquarters" (which I see as being the corner of his sister's garage), with little Callum McPetrie acting as his own personal Eddie Willers who helps flesh out the fantasy by manning the "office" with his stuffed animals and GI Joe action figures.

"If you and the men get this press release out to the media stat, McPetrie, it's promotions all around."

"Gee, Mr. Pigero, that'd be mighty swell, sir!"


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**Taking the High Road in the Battle of Ideas**

> recent press releases <

* Society for International Socialism: "Genocide, war, loss of jobs, and impoverisment are caused wherever worldwide capitalism is in power. The greedy hold the levers of power and keep raising prices. We are running out of energy because of self-interest and irresponsibility. For these reasons, there needs to be public ownership of the means of production."

* Committee for a Religious Revival: "When Man turns away from God, he also turns away from honesty, love of family, and respect for virtue. God makes people behave more responsibly. For these reasons, we need to rediscover religion and a sense of order and duty."

* Solo 'Passion' International: "Pusillanimous prissy Pussies. Kassless Kowards. Bad Faith gutter dwelling Whores. Lowlifes and Bitches. For these reasons: Suck my patootie, you transmogrified, tetanus-filled, teat-eating evading liars.

A final argument: Your sister is a crack addict and you are in the pocket of child-molesting communist unitarians. Liar. Liar. Liar. Cock on fire."

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I'll let this one speak for itself.

How about a quote from him [Perigo] about Ayn Rand?

From here?

She would hate me and hate SOLO, of that I'm certain. Her loss.

This was not a joke within the context.

They said that Hitler never hid the truth of what he was about, but people chose to ignore it.

I guess that's just what people do.


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There is a thought to add to this last post. Sorry it will not be humorous.

How this works is the following—and it worked with the Communists, the Nazis, the Islamists, and just about every political movement that has resulted in dictators. It also works for big toads in small ponds and their puny little lives (like the present case).

Declaration 1: I am what others call evil because of xxxxxxxxxx. If fact, I am xxxxxxxxxx... (will do xxxxxxxxxx,... intend xxxxxxxxxx,... etc.)

(This takes many forms, but it essentially means this, with the person owning up. The only spin is that he says or implies that it ain't really evil.)

Declaration 2: I am serving supreme good and I never do evil. My problem is ... (fill in the scapegoat).

It works every time. Right at this very moment, Perigo is blustering on about how he is all honest and everything. It's just the evil ... (fill in with a few scapegoats from the Objectivist subculture, but the main one is Barbara, with Robert Campbell now appearing on the "evil one" radar, even threatening human life itself!)

He also mentions that he does no nasty backstage email campaigning. Ohhhhh noooooo. Not himmmmmm...

I have about 500 emails or so that say otherwise. In fact, checking out his email records over time would be a trip, although it would take a loooooong time to do that since he is a prolific emailer. If you want to see a gossip monger in overdrive, that would be it. I would bet any amount on that without blinking.

Perigo's a bald-faced liar and a few idiots believe him because he hollers a lot that he ain't.

Human nature, I guess.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the irony: if only the press release hadn't been self-important, it would have been meaningful.

Robert Mugabe is barbaric, and any country which shows any degree of respect for human rights has the right to invade Zimbabwe.

I could get started, but that would not be humourous.

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