To Birther or Not To Birther, That is the Question

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Thank goodness!

And thank you, Donald Trump, for forcing Obama's hand.

(I'm still not supporting Trump for pres, but that's another matter.)

I suspect the left will crow a little, but it will be short-lived. The political oomph has been deflated from the poker game.

Actually, on a personal level, I am hugely relieved the USA is not so screwed up yet that we would elect a foreigner under everyone's nose and not know it.


Precisely. I still cannot understand why he spent all that money on avoiding this moment. He looks weak to the sharks in the world by capitulating.

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Precisely. I still cannot understand why he spent all that money on avoiding this moment. He looks weak to the sharks in the world by capitulating.

Au Contraire. He makes the Birthers look stupid and silly, which they are.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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That transcript has numerous implausibilities at first glance, and I suspect that investigative reportage would find several more. Anyone who'd fall for that would fall for global warming.

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That transcript has numerous implausibilities at first glance, and I suspect that investigative reportage would find several more. Anyone who'd fall for that would fall for global warming.

You mean the one Adam posted? It's obviously a spoof!

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Thank goodness!

And thank you, Donald Trump, for forcing Obama's hand.

(I'm still not supporting Trump for pres, but that's another matter.)

I suspect the left will crow a little, but it will be short-lived. The political oomph has been deflated from the poker game.

Actually, on a personal level, I am hugely relieved the USA is not so screwed up yet that we would elect a foreigner under everyone's nose and not know it.


Precisely. I still cannot understand why he spent all that money on avoiding this moment. He looks weak to the sharks in the world by capitulating.

My idea is he did not know what was on the original document and he spent all that effort to keep it from being revealed until his presidency was assured. We are still being ruled by the Chicago Democrat thugocracy and I think Obama is essentially their puppet.


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The Smoking Gun's having some fun with the document. See here.

I enjoyed the Smoking Gun's "Will Release Of Obama's Purported Birth Certificate Give Rise To New "Certer" Movement?" -- especially 'a few nutty points about the birth certificate sure to be seized upon by the nonbelievers'

  • If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?
  • What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?
  • Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

More sobering are the many many folks in the 245 following comments who did not get that the Smoking Gun writer was kidding:

What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

There's something fishy about this document - if you open the original .pdf (from you see that there are TWO layers - one with doctors' signatures - could it be that whoever manufactured this document forgot to flatten the last two layers? Here's the two images I extracted:

I've made a quick website. You can see for yourself how the dashed green lines on the background of the paper that are horizontal across the entire long form do NOT curve, and do not make sense compared to the curved black line. I've included screen captures from the long form and some notations which you can compare for yourself. I challenge anyone to explain away these lines.

Hey people...the type faces dont match. Additionally it isnt a standard courier type face. It is elongated up word. We need to look at the type under a microscope. Were they really dumb enough to to use a modern day printer or did they use an antique type writer Type on an old typewriter would have errors in the faces. Compare that to others from the same time to see if it matches the others in the same book. It should. It should not be bit mapped. The dumbest mistake was in the green background that does not match the curvature of the printing. This was done by some amateur on an inkjet printer in PhotoShop. And it was done badly. This comes from someone that has thirty years experience as a graphic designer. Id love to have the original to examine. I could prove it to be the fake that it is. NOTE: Make sure you spell impeachment properly.

This document is a poorly executed fake/forgery. The PDF file can physically be pulled apart via Illustrator and viewed in its false glory. How many more lies and deceptions are we going to endure from this man and his administration?

I know that there are more important issues than Obama's birth cert., however, I have to question whether or not this is a real birth cert. If Obama was in fact adopted by his step father it would show on the bc the name that was given by the adopted father and the name on the bc where father is would reflect the adopted father and the date that it was filed would show the date of the filing of the new bc. It becomes the official birth certificate. I was adopted by my stepfather and everytime I get a copy of my bc it has my birth date and under father it has my stepfather's name and it is dated the day that it was filed not my birth year as in the case of Obama. If the bc is orginal then it would have said that his name was Barry Soretore and dated when it was filed. He supposedly changed his name in college to Barrack Obama as he had said in his book "Dreams of My Father." Then wouldn't it have changed and the new bc should reflect the date he had changed it back under file date? There are too many inconsistencies and false statements by this man. It is becoming to hard to tell fact from fiction from this president. It makes you wonder why all this is coming out and why is Trump taking all the credit for this, what is he up to. It makes it hard to trust anyone.

Why is the CIA frantically running around the world destroying all records relating to Obama? Why are they changing references in Wikipedia? Why are they scrubbing Google searches? Why did Obama immediately issue his first Executive Order 13489, sealing ALL of his records? Why have all Indonesian records been destroyed? Why have all of his father's passport records been destroyed? Why?

WHOA !! Nobody is noticing the absolute fake in front of our faces: in 1961 no one would ever have listed the fathers race as AFRICAN ! That's a NATIONALITY, and became part of the PC lingo in the 80s. His mother is CAUCASIAN, and he would have been likely N.E.G.R.O, or possibly COLORED, but not AFRICAN. Whoever "researched" this document was not born in the 40s or 1950s, I can guarantee you that.

Bryan: It appears there is a link to your website on the Drudge Report, however, I am unable to access it. Probably too much traffic right now, but I'll keep trying.

Someone with The Smoking Gun just edited out the links to images of the dissected birth certificate! They were here just a minute ago, that's how I was able to find them. Now they are gone! What the hell is going on? Go to Bryan Keith Nixon dot com (all together, of course) to see the dissection of the BC PDF in Adobe Illustrator!

Someone posted that the Hawai'i certificate should say Territory of HI is wrong. The certificates do list "State of Hawai'i. His 'handlers' must have used Eleanor Nor***'s posted certificates to create a forgery. Did this come from the hospital or from Obama? I was born in 1966 and my birth certificate looks like it was soaked in tea, this is pristine, must have come from HI, took a long time. The weird thing that glares at me is the certificate number 61 10641.... hmmmm, I am assuming the births are cataloged in order. Well, Mrs. Nor***'s children were born AFTER Obama, the following day... but her children's numbers are 61 10637 and 61 10638.... so on August 5, 1961, they assigned certificate numbers out of order for her children. .. with lower numbers????? forgery in my opinion. Run, Trump run!!

It's all moot. The document is composed from layers. That is a clear indication of a forgery. The text of the original has been erased (thus the white halo around letters), and overlayed with a doctored copy of the form and other parts. A sloppy job. If I were to make a forgery, at least I would make sure I don't leave obvious trails. Not that I make forgeries, just sayin'.

I already see the flaws: RACE OF MOTHER: Caucasian. RACE OF FATHER: African. Well since when is African a race? In 1961 the RACE was N E G R O This shows that this is a counterfeit document

THIS IS A FORGERY. It doesnt take a degree in Photoshop to see that much of the text was copy/pasted onto an image, some of the typewritten (or apparently so) text is WHITE around and inside, where the rest is not. Thats obvious without magnifying the image. Also, the bottom statement 'a copy of an existing record' is either false, or the statement that the B.C. was lost was a lie. This cannot be an abstract of a record that doesnt exist, or, the "record that exists" is not a B.C. but some collection of data in a file somewhere. too convenient

Take a good look at the pattern as the page bends on the left. The horizontal bars of the pattern do not bend they are straight while the black lines bend. This is definitely not a picture of a real document. Some (or all ) of it is Photoshopped. I could have done a better job. Are they stupid and just trying to stir up more controversy? Why did they fake a bend? Who is behind this piece of forgery? Will any real investigator call them on this?

And we haven't really started examining the font yet...nor the inconsistency of letters from the same "typewriter" ... I mean, check out the capital Ns ....

What is wrong with you people! Don't bother messing around with "Gosh, it looks a little weird in Adobe Acrobat"! Load up Obama's birth certificate PDF in Adobe Illustrator (not Photoshop, not Acrobat -- Illustrator can reveal the various layers or objects that make up the created document) and Release Clipping Mask! It's a composed document! It's a fake!

Indeed. Load the WH PDF in Illustrator (I used CS2), and release clipping masks (a few of them) ... Not sure if Acrobat Pro creates PDFs like this, but honestly, it really DOES appear this PDF was "worked on". Let's see the real thing.. and BTW, this is *STILL* just a COLB, not a certified Birth Certificate long form.. if this was what it claims to be it'd have birth weight, legnth and delivering Physician listed.

Until today I was not a "birther," but now I am. The reason is the document released. Look at the black line above block 1a where it curves down. Where it is horizontal (not curved), and behind it are two horizonal dashed green lines on the paper. That black line is just above the lower of the two green lines. Now where it curves down, at the far left side where it is shadowed and you will see the curved black line is far below BOTH dashed green lines. Furthermore, the dashed green line on the left side of the tear perfectly matches horizontally with the dashed green line in the shaded area, in other words the black line has curved downward, but the dashed green lines did not. This is physically NOT possible for either the black line to now be below the green lines, or for those green lines to match up, unless this is a forgery which I am convinced it is now. I am going to post this observation as many places as possible, and would like someone to explain away both of these anomalies as being something other than proof of a forgery.

Whats on the "certificate" is meaningless. Most of you are missing the CRITICAL POINT. the point is not the document contents (apparently forged) but the CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Ignore the contents and look at the FORM and how and why its created. The purpose is to certify live birth by authority of the Doctor and State, document it on a certified form, and STORE AND PRESERVE IT as the original. Any appearance of chain of custody was lost when the Governor with an Agenda blew all that smoke about he was going to get it to end teh debate AND IT WASNT THERE. Since the ORIGINAL was gone, where did the info come from? Entirely FABRICATED. AFTER going through Chain of Custody, THEN launch the "document is forged' argument. Must have both.

The smudges on line 19a where the Doctor would check the MD box appear to cover up a X that was already in the box. Strange.

Why are the fonts for Barrack's in the capital K and others different from other fonts on the rest of the document? Looks like a forgery to me. Looking4thetruth

Here is MY RELEASE:--------------------------The doctor on this "Abstract" form is DEAD - according to current news articles. David A. Sinclair -- let's see his medical records for Obama's mother. Let's see the Hospital records now, since Obama is being so 'open'. Let's see the ORIGINAL that the "Abstract" just released is based upon. What this document affirms is that Obama's father was NOT an American citizen which makes Obama INELIGIBLE TO SERVE regardless of this stupid, supposedly real document. You MUST have TWO American citizens as parents to be Presdident. READ IT AND WEEP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OBAMA IS NOT ELIGIBLE!!!!! (McCain had to release his birth certificate showing his TWO American citizen parents to qualify). Donald Trump has succeeded in a few weeks, in getting Obama to release what Obama has spent $ 2.8 million to hide for over two years. THIS IS NOT MAKING ANY SENSE. Obama sent Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to JAIL over this document. THIS MAKES NO SENSE. "If it doesn't gel, it's not Aspic".......................................

Hmm. FAKE. Were stamped dates even used back then?..I looked at my hospital record and everything is handwritten. No stamps of anykind INCLUDING the one filed in the courthouse and provided by the hospital. The stamped date showing Aug 8 1961 is FAKE.

The type looks really bit-mapped in Adobe Acrobat and why does some of it have the ghosted white "drop shadow" around it completely obscuring the background. Pay attention to the "D" in the mother's signature as compared to the "unham". If this is a scan of a bound document as the warp suggests, why is the majority of the type reading cyan= 77 magenta=55 yellow=77 black=69for a total ink readout of 278 (quite high for black ink on paper, no?). This type has no noise or fuzzy edges like the "D" in the mother's signature. This leads me to believe type was added digitally and whatever the original scan held in the background has been obscured by the white drop shadow surrounding the type. I hold an Adobe Photoshop certification and have been in the field of digital imaging for 15 years. I am not crazy but this definitely smells bad to me. Please debunk.

Open the WH PDF in Illustrator and release clipping masks. All will be revealed. The white stuff isnt "Artifacts" it was added. The black copy is composited OVER the white halo EFFECTS. This PDF was worked on. It is a layered composition. Just sayin'. (Ive been doing digital workflow / design & production since 1992)

This document is a fake. I just did what you guys suggested in Adobe and walllah it is phony. Terrible attempt at a forgery at that.

If this is a real certificate, then why did Obama spend over $3 million dollars to keep from releasing a certificate. I do not believe for one minute this is real, and I think experts will prove it is again a forgery, just like the original certificate released by the WH was proven to be a forgery.

So "O" has provided us with yet another "Certificate of Live Birth" are people so under educated they don't know the difference between a "Birth Certificate" and a "Certificate of Live Birth"?

You are exactly right. The first "Certificate" was proven to be a forgery. Now, the second "Certificate" appears to be another forgery. But, he thinks he will get away with it. I suppose you noticed how he bad-mouthed Trump? Trump is his worst enemy, and he will do anything to keep Trump from running against him. Now, he and his media friends will try to tear Trump up, but I don't believe the Americans will be fooled. Trump is tough.

What is wrong with you people! Load up Obama's birth certificate PDF in Adobe Illustrator, and Release Clipping Mask! It's a composed document! It's a fake!

"Try the following: Save off a copy of the exact PDF file the White House has released as Obama's birth certificate this morning. Find yourself a copy of Adobe Illustrator (not Photoshop), and load up the PDF file in Illustrator. Then click on the center of the image of the birth certificate, then right-click on the center of the image, and click Release Clipping Mask. Have fun..." ............................................. Boy! Atta fake! I could make a better forgery.

A member commented that there were 13 days elapse between the birth and the signatory of the local registrar, but here there are none. Also it is 7:24pm and either the certificate was rushed over to his private residence or he was at the live birth himself. Both the Mothers and Attendant signatures are done by the same person. Last but not least his name is Barry Saetoro and only took the Obama name during his later years after visiting Pakistan. There is and never will be an Obama birth certificate because there never was one in that specific name.

This is still isn't the long form...Where are the weight and length fields? Would the term African instead of *** been used in 1961?

On the WND site, as well as the certificate number being higher than a person born AFTER Obama, the long form birth certificates were microfished in 1961... see the microfished certificate on the WND site for a person born the day after Obama.... It was NOT printed on security paper and bound in a book in 1961!!! A real and official copy of a microfished document is black background with white lettering. Also, the neighbor to the proported address in 1961 says they never lived there. Back in 1961, unfortunately, a biracial marriage was noticable and the talk of the town, but the neighbor says they never lived at the given address. Please present the college app, Mr. President in which you claimed you were not a US Citizen!

People who uphold the law are NOT nutjobs. They are more educated than you. Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. The 14th amendment has TWO requirements... be born in the USA AND... be under the jurisdiction of the US government. The courts have already ruled that people who are in the US temporarily or are foreign diplomats do not fall under the 14th amendment and their children ARE NOT US CITIZENS. Obama Sr. at no time applied for citizenship. Obama Sr. at no time changed his LEGAL DOMICILE from Kenya where he had other children. If you maintain a DOMICILE in another country you can only be in the USA temporarily. Under both US and British laws at the time, Obama JR., at birth, WAS a British Subject and NOT a US natural born citizen or even a common citizen! He is ineligible to be POTUS and is an illegal usurper. The laws have a reason, they are not to be ignored. Showing a COLB changes nothing as the ELK case proved, you CAN BE born on US soil and still not be a US citizen. Doesn't matter WHERE Obama Jr. was born, what matters is that at the time of his birth he was NOT a US citizen.

This is new. No wrinkles. Possibly forged signatures. My son was born in HA two years later and thet did NOT use paper like this. It is not even a copy like we received. It was black with white letters. This is on modern computer paper. It is NOT a copy of an original. It is NOT an original. Does this look old? All they had to do was make a copy of it. This is not real. This paper was not used at that time. Looks like it was just cut out. Who signed this document? Forgery.

Obvious forgery. Look at the 41 at the top right of document. It has obviously been altered.

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I think this is the end of the Trump presidential *candidacy*. It's pretty obvious Obama's hand was forced or his occupancy of the Oval Office would have been increasingly de-legitimized and Trump would have gone after his college career, obviously the beneficiary of affirmative action. I hope that's dropped too. The Republicans had better focus now on the issues and finding a legitimate candidate. I'd give Obama decent odds on his re-election next year. I'd guess that a new President in 2013 would do much more damage than Obama over the following four years. And since the shit is really going to hit the fan economically during that time the office holder will get most of the blame.


this country is screwed--soon you can stick it with a fork and call it "done"

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Oh, gee, William, is the controversy going to flare up again? I do find the use of the word "African" dubious and am in no way qualified to otherwise comment on the rest of the objections or now the document itself which at first blush looked authentico.


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Seems to me O is in a no-win situation all 3 ways.

He produces it. The dhb's would probably think him capable of forging it.

Told you so!

One thing for sure: if it is a forgery it will be exposed as such and the State Registrar will find his ass in a crack.


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Drudge is carrying the Certificate of Live Birth here.

Well now that is done.

Cannot believe that he let this go on this long.


Adam, thanks.

Avoiding the fact that he's just been "Trumped", Donald says "I have accomplished something nobody else has accomplished."

"I want to look at it, but I hope it's true."


I'd hate to play high- stakes poker with these guys.


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Seems to me O is in a no-win situation all 3 ways.

He produces it. The dhb's would probably think him capable of forging it.

Told you so!

Daunce: notwithstanding yesterday's unforced gaffes and the near-loss of your dollar signs, you have proven yourself more than prescient on more than one topic on this fine forum. This much is true. But I am afraid we would all be more impressed, and I am guessing JR especially, if you could accurately predict this year's winner of the Stanley Cup, and/or swallow your well-justified Canadian Pride and simply admit the obvious: i.e., that the Red Wings will prevail, once again.

That's when a well-timed "told you so" might carry some weight in these parts.

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this country is screwed--soon you can stick it with a fork and call it "done"

Brant: you've said this a number of times, it'd be great if you'd create a thread elaborating on how it is definitively screwed because in spite of the fact that it's easy to see what is bad and why, it's hard to see that things are definitively screwed. My position has been that it is and has been screwed all along, that the bad stuff is right here right now, and that most people don't see it because they can't envision how things could be and ought to be, and that this kind of doom-saying entirely misses the point.


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Precisely. I still cannot understand why he spent all that money on avoiding this moment. He looks weak to the sharks in the world by capitulating.

Au Contraire. He makes the Birthers look stupid and silly, which they are.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Moi? No, not me. But look, Bob, the media made him President by giving Obama a free ride from the tough investigative reporting any presidential candidate should get. This should have been all hashed out three years ago. I am glad McCain isn't President. He would have been a super go-to-war-President--much more than this guy. Just like this guy, he is a super economic ignoramus. This country is too big and powerful to be run by morons, but it's morons all the way down. The last President who was really any good was Eisenhower. He wasn't good enough, really, but as relief from bad and terrible he was something of a relief. It may sound strange, but Roosevelt was a better President than Hoover--the President who did this country the most damage since Lincoln--or any would-be Republican President from the 1930s and 1940s. Here's the real test: we, mirabile dictu!--get a great President and the birds are singing and the sun is shining. He'll probably be followed by a first-class ass assuming he doesn't turn into one while in office.


avoid the fallout: be upwind

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this country is screwed--soon you can stick it with a fork and call it "done"

Brant: you've said this a number of times, it'd be great if you'd create a thread elaborating on how it is definitively screwed because in spite of the fact that it's easy to see what is bad and why, it's hard to see that things are definitively screwed. My position has been that it is and has been screwed all along, that the bad stuff is right here right now, and that most people don't see it because they can't envision how things could be and ought to be, and that this kind of doom-saying entirely misses the point.


I should but I've no time to do a decent job. I'm referring to a country of freedom wanting more freedom which is not existing but going to war the wrong way for the wrong reasons and spending so much money it cannot afford on obligations it should never have undertaken such as Social Security and Medicare, etc. The country will go on existing, of course, but it won't be remade in a good and positive way because the middle class will be impoverished and destroyed, a process just getting underway.


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"So long Birthers. It wasn't nice knowing you.

And yes, White House, let's get on with the discussion of how the America-born Barack Obama is effectively enacting a third Bush term, pursuing virtually of that bum's bad policies (war, massive government spending, expansion of already-unsustainable entitlements, disinterest in civil liberties, you name it) under the banner of hope and change. As that conversation gets all the focus, you may wish that you never closed out this inane topic."

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What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

There's something fishy about this document - if you open the original .pdf (from you see that there are TWO layers - one with doctors' signatures - could it be that whoever manufactured this document forgot to flatten the last two layers...

Wow. This isn't going to go away now. It's going to get worse. I just opened the pdf, and the document is divided into several layers, with different bits of text or graphics on each. The "kookiepants obsessives" are correct that the green patterned background appears to have been added -- it extends beyond the cropping, and it does not curve with the curvature of the document.

How hard is it to scan a frickin' document and post it without messing with it, and without making it obvious that it's been messed with? Are Obama's people really that stupid? They have to have done this on purpose to fuel the controversy.


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I'm old enough to know what a long-form birth certificate looks like.

But I agree with Nick Gillespie on the main issue. He says of the Obama White House:

As that conversation gets all the focus, you may wish that you never closed out this inane topic.

Yup, they wanted to keep this topic alive as long as possible, in order to discredit their opponents.

I would never cast a vote for Donald Trump. But he's called Obama's bluff.

Robert Campbell

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What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

There's something fishy about this document - if you open the original .pdf (from you see that there are TWO layers - one with doctors' signatures - could it be that whoever manufactured this document forgot to flatten the last two layers...

Wow. This isn't going to go away now. It's going to get worse. I just opened the pdf, and the document is divided into several layers, with different bits of text or graphics on each. The "kookiepants obsessives" are correct that the green patterned background appears to have been added -- it extends beyond the cropping, and it does not curve with the curvature of the document.

How hard is it to scan a frickin' document and post it without messing with it, and without making it obvious that it's been messed with? Are Obama's people really that stupid? They have to have done this on purpose to fuel the controversy.


World class experts are going over this thing right now with all the analyses and technology available to determine how authentic it is. If it's phony they'll prove it. The shit will start hitting the fan if it is very soon, like next week, and the whole thing will morph to cultural elephantiasis. It will be a disaster to keep focusing on the man as opposed to ideas and policies.


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Dan Rather lost his reputation over someone on his team presenting a false document of Bush's record, and he endorsed it without checking.


After bloggers exposed that fake letter and Dan Rather was forced to retire, I'd have thought that no one in the Obama White House would dare pull such a stunt.

We'll know soon enough.

Robert Campbell

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