6 scenarios that prove Western medicine is [not] CRAZY


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Medicine is not a science but a profession. It may or may not use science.

-- begin quote, my comments in square brackets --

6 Scenarios: Natural Health vs. Western Medicine

1) Example: Young woman with chronic PMS
Natural health: use nutrition therapeutically to build up the body and support hormone synthesis, see a decrease in PMS symptoms over 3-9 months. Usually hormonal imbalance is caused by low thyroid, poor detoxification or a low nutrient diet (or sometimes all 3).
Western medicine: take the pill to “manage” PMS with synthetic hormones, while masking symptoms and underlying imbalances in the body!

[ Not crazy. There is more money in disease management than in health, in an unfree market. ]

2) Example: Middle aged adult with high cholesterol
Natural health: look at thyroid function (T3 levels) and nutrient deficiencies (like vitamin A) that are needed to turn cholesterol into sex hormones as they should (thyroid hormone and vitamin A are needed to make this conversion). Just like a recipe, your body can’t do its job without ALL the right ingredients.
Western medicine: take Rx drugs to lower cholesterol (an antioxidant), as well as reduce cholesterol intake namely saturated fats, while increasing the intake of vegetable oils (PUFA). Yikes!

[ Not crazy. There is more money in disease management than in health, in an unfree market. ]

3) Example: Young woman with varicose veins
Natural health: address areas of stress in the body that put a burden on the venous system (like poor liver detoxification, weak digestion and hormonal imbalance). Use nutrition therapeutically with lifestyle changes and wear compression stockings to help support the veins while you build up the body.
Western medicine: ultrasounds to diagnose the problem, laser ablation to destroy the vein or injection of a solution into veins to “kill” them whenever needed. Compression stockings are also usually recommended.

[ Not crazy. There is more money in disease management than in health, in an unfree market. ]

4) Example: Young woman with hypothyroidism

Natural health: nutrient dense diet with targeted nutrition to address the liver and digestion. Use thyroid supplementation only if needed, and only after energy production is supported by through dietary means.
Western medicine: take thyroid supplement, adjust the dose as needed.

[ Not crazy. There is more money in disease management than in health, in an unfree market. ]

5) Example: Teen with ulcerative colitis
Natural health:
remove common food allergens from the diet along with harder to digest carbohydrates (ie. grains, disaccharides and polysaccharides) while focusing on a nutrient dense diet of easy to digest foods.
Western medicine: Take anti-inflammatory drugs, and/or cut out the colon. (seriously?)

[ Not crazy. There is more money in disease management than in health, in an unfree market. ]

6) Example: Adult with acid reflux
Natural health: work on strengthening digestion naturally to up regulate stomach acid production to stop the acid reflux.
Western medicine: take an Rx acid blocker that turns off/suppresses stomach acid (weakening digestion– double yikes!)

[ Not crazy. There is more money in disease management than in health, in an unfree market. ]

[ In a free market, doctors would be in the business of health, which means they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. And the doctor who is the most effective in putting himself out of business would get the most business. ]

-- end quote --

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