"Fairness" ...Which Apparently Means Government Theft Which Operates In Our Name As Long As We Are "Good German" Objectivists...And Follow Orders...


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Have we become sufficiently blind that we are willing to go along with this new "Democratic Fascism?"

Are we to remain silent while this tyranny seeps into every part of our lives?

"Many Democrats argue the tax promotes equality among classes, especially in capital gains -- or stocks passed from one generation to another. Since stocks are only taxed when they are sold, the government can't profit from long-term investments without the estate tax."

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I've asked my left leaning friends for decades to name even one thing that any of us does as a member of a quintile, decimile, or percentile. After decades of no answers, I'm even willing to accept a totally made-up action, like from a lost episode of Star Trek. Nothing. Nada. The IRS 1040 clearly says INDIVIDUAL at the top of it, not QUINTILE, DECIMILE, or PERCENTILE.

We don't vote, we don't meet, we don't spend, we don't plan, we don't marry, we don't buy, we don't sell...we don't do -anything- as a quintile, decimile, or percentile. We don't even remain in the same quintile, decimile or percentile over the course of our lives. If pressed on our own, using our own senses(as opposed to accessing manufactured data from Census), we as individuals would be hard pressed to accurately sense or gauge what quintile, decimile, percentile we were forced association members of.

Consider quintile statistics. It's as if, once a year throughout the course of our lives, we were all asked to pile onto one of five freight trains, to have the freight train sum of income added up. But, the freight train never goes anywhere or does anything as a freight train. We get on, we have the freight train income added up, and then we get off.

Except for one thing; we don't even get on the freight train once a year; there is no freight train.

And yet, those manufactured statistics are the intellectual basis for fully half of modern politics. The theoretical distribution, we are told by religious zealots based on their faith, has some meaning, and it is the proper function of government to show up with guns and bulldozers aimed at -real- individuals, based on their individual income, and via force move the theoretical piles around in those non-existing freight trains.

And we accept their arguments based on what? When they can't even come up with a single example of an action by a quintile, decimile, or percentile in our economies, plural?

There is no economic actor or actors in our economies that act as quintiles, decimiles, or percentiles; there are no acts identifyable by same, and so, there are no such actors.

The Emperors of Redistribution have no clothing.

So what, exactly, is the justification for directing state force to redistribute the quintile, decimile, or percentile distribution of -anything-? What is the basis for the left's political embrace of forced association in a free nation?

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I have a question about redistributive Progressive taxation. Suppose I proposed a tax scheme in which the top 1% paid 199 times what the bottom 1% paid; is that Progressive 'enough?'

Then, suppose I proposed a second scheme in which the top 20% paid an infinite amount more than the bottom 20% paid; is that Progressive enough?

Plan 1] Uniform flat tax applied to population with uniform distribution of incomes. Bottom 1% pays 0.01% of total taxes. Median 1% pays 1% of total taxes. Top 1% pays 1.99% of total taxes(199 times what the bottom 1% pays). Progressives: "Not Progressive enough!"

Plan 2] Uniform flat tax applied at marginal rate above uniform exclusion level that exempts bottom 20% of taxpayers. Everyone gets same exemption, everyone pays same marginal rate above exemption, effective tax rate of bottom 20% is ZERO, effective tax rate approaches marginal tax rate as income rises. Progressives: "Not Progressive enough!"

Huh? Based on what religious theory?

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Have we become sufficiently blind that we are willing to go along with this new "Democratic Fascism?"

The U.S. has being "going along" with it since the Woodrow Wilson administration. That is about 100 years.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Have we become sufficiently blind that we are willing to go along with this new "Democratic Fascism?"

The U.S. has being "going along" with it since the Woodrow Wilson administration. That is about 100 years.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Agreed Bob.

However, they having a clear voting majority now and have endorsed an incompetent who feeds them and keeps them "comfortable" as the water reaches its boil...and sadly, the alleged "opposition party" is so eager to get in line that we will probably not need the guillotine this time around.

Everyone will passively accept the collar around its collective neck.


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Have we become sufficiently blind that we are willing to go along with this new "Democratic Fascism?"

The U.S. has being "going along" with it since the Woodrow Wilson administration. That is about 100 years.

Ba'al Chatzaf

This is the truth.

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  • 2 years later...

I've asked my left leaning friends for decades to name even one thing that any of us does as a member of a quintile, decimile, or percentile. After decades of no answers, I'm even willing to accept a totally made-up action, like from a lost episode of Star Trek. Nothing. Nada. The IRS 1040 clearly says INDIVIDUAL at the top of it, not QUINTILE, DECIMILE, or PERCENTILE.

We don't vote, we don't meet, we don't spend, we don't plan, we don't marry, we don't buy, we don't sell...we don't do -anything- as a quintile, decimile, or percentile. We don't even remain in the same quintile, decimile or percentile over the course of our lives. If pressed on our own, using our own senses(as opposed to accessing manufactured data from Census), we as individuals would be hard pressed to accurately sense or gauge what quintile, decimile, percentile we were forced association members of.

Consider quintile statistics. It's as if, once a year throughout the course of our lives, we were all asked to pile onto one of five freight trains, to have the freight train sum of income added up. But, the freight train never goes anywhere or does anything as a freight train. We get on, we have the freight train income added up, and then we get off.

Except for one thing; we don't even get on the freight train once a year; there is no freight train.

And yet, those manufactured statistics are the intellectual basis for fully half of modern politics. The theoretical distribution, we are told by religious zealots based on their faith, has some meaning, and it is the proper function of government to show up with guns and bulldozers aimed at -real- individuals, based on their individual income, and via force move the theoretical piles around in those non-existing freight trains.

And we accept their arguments based on what? When they can't even come up with a single example of an action by a quintile, decimile, or percentile in our economies, plural?

There is no economic actor or actors in our economies that act as quintiles, decimiles, or percentiles; there are no acts identifyable by same, and so, there are no such actors.

The Emperors of Redistribution have no clothing.

So what, exactly, is the justification for directing state force to redistribute the quintile, decimile, or percentile distribution of -anything-? What is the basis for the left's political embrace of forced association in a free nation?


Gonna miss these precise posts that gut the fascist soft tyranny that is wrapping it's venomous talons around one artery after another...


Worse than the frog in the water because we think we are not in that pot.


Here is a perfect example of why you need to carry a weapon on your own property today:





DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – An East Dallas woman is outraged after she claims one U.S. Census worker showed up at her door for a housing survey and would not take “no” for an answer.


Sonia Platz said the worker went as far as to camp out in her yard as she waited for Platz to change her mind.


“She’s ringing the bell, knocking on the door. And I’m like, ‘I don’t want to participate.’” Said Platz

The East Dallas resident said it started with a series of three letters from the U.S. Census Bureau. A few days later after receiving the third later, a census worker showed up. Her husband verbally declined.

But a few days later, a different worker showed up at their home and would not leave according to Platz.

“That is a whole, other level. That’s not following up. I felt like she a part of the mob,” said Platz.


The census worker sat on the bumper of her van for the next 30 minutes. Sonia said the worker would only get up from the back of her van every few minutes to see if she had changed her mind about taking the housing survey.

“Some people were stunned. Some people couldn’t believe it. They were kind of shocked like, ‘that can’t be a true government census bureau worker,’” said Platz.


It was a real federal census worker according to the regional office that covers Dallas. A supervisor confirmed more than 100 other workers are out in the area conducting the same work. The regional office said employees are encouraged to be “pleasantly persistent” and never take “no” for an answer at first.

Platz said it is not a good look for a government agency that survives on voluntary participation.
The U.S. Census Bureau said anyone who feels they are being visited too frequently can request to have their address removed from the list.

Dallas is one of 25 cities targeted in the housing survey which runs through August.

(©2015 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)


This is the way it should be handled:


First, we are in Texas, major plus.


I would go out with my handgun properly secreted in a holster which would not be visible.  I would have my husband videoing the entire event from my dialing 911 in the house and explaining that I have a "census worker" who has refused to leave my property after being politely asked three times.


Would you prefer to stay on the line while I go out and wait for the car to arrive because I am going out to explain to this individual who is also blocking our driveway and we need to go out.


"Afternoon again, Madam Census Worker/or her name or ID number which you should have gotten from the time she knocked on your door, I have a police car on it's way and I am going to have you charged with trespassing.


So, I will just wait her with you if you don't mind."


And then make sure you follow through with the arrest.





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I was supposed to complete a questionaire this year for the benefit of--I think--the Depart. of Commerce. Many mailings, no response. A "nice" lady showed up, I said go-a-way. She said I was "required" to answer 30 minutes of questions. I said leave or I'll call the sheriff. She left but was back a few days later. Again I told her to leave. A week or so later she was back with her supervisor. A big man. Again I told them to leave. They left. I'm waiting to be indicted by a Federal prosecutor. Here in southern AZ Federal prosecutors a few years ago would not indict you if you were caught with less than 500 lbs of weed. 499 wasn't enough. I guess they left that to local law enforcement. Too much other work to do. So I doubt if they'll come for me. I suspect someone made up a lot of shit on the questionaire pretending it was me but I'll likely never know. The only thing I've ever answered on any census, btw, is the number of people in the household. 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010. Come and get me, you lousy coppers!

Now, suppose the FBI wanted me to cough up info needed to prosecute a big case. In that case the "nice" agents might gently inform me of my past malfeasances and how if I didn't yak to their satisfaction I'd be spending time in Federal stir because they had this special relationship with a Federal prosecutor who had time on his hands and liked to keep busy. Heck, if I didn't know enough I might make up a lot of good shit. While lying to Federal law enforcement is a felony in itself, they won't mind if the lying is good enough to make the "big case" and put Mother Teresa into the pen. After all, they weren't after me and I'm not stupid and ignorant enough to do a Martha Stewart--right?

--Brant (coward of the county)

land of the free and home of the brave

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Correct Brant.

Each of the census years, I do the same with the census taker. I give a number.

Then I walk with the little fuck and explain to my neighbors that all they are required to give the little fuck is the number.

They usually leave and never come back to the neighborhood.


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