George Smith on TheBlaze

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George Smith on TheBlaze

How's this for cool?

by Benjamin Weingarten
Dec. 6, 2013

From the article:

Blaze Books sat down with Georgetown Law Professor, libertarian lawyer extraordinaire, and one of the chief litigators of the Affordable Care Act, Randy Barnett, in order to get his book recommendations on a variety of subjects near and dear to readers’ hearts. Below is the second set in a multi-part series, in which Barnett gives us his three best books on the intellectual origins of libertarianism, and some commentary on each of the titles he selected. In case you missed it, be sure to check out part I of our series, in which Barnett gave us his three must-read books on the Constitution.

Take a look at who wrote the very first book on that list.

The System of Liberty by one George H. Smith.

Congratulations, George.

I hope Glenn interviews you one day. And you do the TV circuit, etc.

You deserve all the success you can get.


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  • 4 years later...

I too wonder what Ghs thinks of President Trump. Tracinski has "somewhat reversed himself" since he held his original, typical left wing, Mitt Romney opinion of The Donald. How would George rate Trump on the questions are we freer, are we safer, and are we better off, under a Trump administration?

Do we have a trade deficit with Canada? 

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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


I don't speak for George, but I imagine he and I have a slight difference of opinion on the value and nature of President Trump. I would love to be wrong, but I just don't see him on board the Trump Train...



Personally. I'm on board the let's-not-have-nuclear war train.

The power of ideas generally plays out over decades and centuries. This is not the age of ideas.  This is the age of the ossification of the left--a moral corpse covering and controlling the political landscape. Trump is pounding on the concrete.

For some reason--maybe a good one or many ones--the neo-cons want to stick it to Russia. They are allies of the deep state servicing the "idea." Trump seems to be on board with that one.

There were three seminal American Presidents: Washington (good), Lincoln (bad) and Wilson (worse than Lincoln). Trump may be the fourth (good?, bad?).

The left, generally speaking, hated and hates three people: Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater and Donald Trump. On Trump they went total ape shit. He's not challenging them on their ideas--what ideas?, they stopped with the ideas in the 1960s with the Vietnam War protests and never looked back--but on their control of the American (and European) discourse to policies, most including AGW.


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Brant wrote: There were three seminal American Presidents: Washington (good), Lincoln (bad) and Wilson (worse than Lincoln). Trump may be the fourth (good?, bad?). end quote

Lincoln is touted as being so great in our early text books up to high school, but I agree, even though he emancipated slaves he “expanded” the powers of the executive branch to an unconstitutional limit. Yet, slavery in the early centuries of our country means that for a chunk of our population, they were worse off than being in the gulag under Soviet rule.

I am still waiting for a good analyses of Trump and I expect to see it before 2020. If I had a superpower I wish it were the ability to predict the future. I watched about a half an hour of the original “Terminator” movie last night, which has people coming back in time to change their horrible future. I wonder if we will ever invent a philosophical computer?

I mentioned this before but I saw Linda Hamilton’s twin sister in a Food Lion grocery store in Delaware a few years ago. Their family is from Salisbury, Maryland if I remember correctly. I must have stared a second too long to make her uncomfortable, because she started avoiding me as I pushed my cart.  

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