Galt's Gulch in Beck's American Dream Labs

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Who said MJ people were not amused? Not I said the fly.

The MJ attitude is typically to express a sancitimonious conceited disdain for those they disagree with. Assuming an amused posture as they look down their noses is right in character.

This behavior is only attractive as a mating call to insiders, but hell, distinctive mating behavior is the nature of all beasts. :smile:

I said they dare not predict Glenn's failure (on pain of losing more credibility than they already have in their gleeful predictions of Glenn's failure--which has been 100% wrong so far).

Also, who said they used "unethical" imagery? Not I you naughty guy.

I merely said they were letting a snarky image do the heavy lifting of the words they dare not utter.

A way to try to save face, so to speak, and still present their sancitimonious conceited disdain.

I also insinuated they were hypocritical whores for money, so they kept a lid on going too far out of respect for the 2 billion big ones.

You can feel it pulsing through from in between the lines.


Once you have to explain this stuff to someone who doesn't get it, it loses its charm. It's like explaining a joke. It's no longer funny to the person you explain it to.

Oh well...

I guess I'll just have to be content with the approval of those who think like I do.


That's exactly what Mother Jones does...



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Who said MJ people were not amused? Not I said the fly.

Um ... then it must have been that other guy. Sorry about that. This Charity thing is confusing me ... I thought it was setting aside judgement and analysis until one can re-state the statement (or argument) under question as if that statement (or argument) was rational.

I don't think Mother Jones has a fraction of the impact as the Blaze ... but I could be wrong.

The thing about the Beck Capitalist Disneyland announcement is ... well, it seems to be the equivalent of a 'kick me' sign on his rear end. The manic exuberance of the announcement speaks for itself, if you know what I mean. It is hilarious in and of itself, from my point of view. The obvious mangling of Disney's tragically-thwarted original plans -- as interpreted by a self-serving entertainer -- contains its own refutation.

Here is what confused me about the other MSK's notes:

Mother Jones, that sanctuary of progressive shill-craft, is not amused:

Anyway, that is neither here nor there. When I get back to the file, I'll post highlights from the commentaries following the mirror announcements, at the Blaze and at Mother Jones.

Until this place becomes, I hope there is a place to criticize his mistakes, howlers, and excesses ...

Edited by william.scherk
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The thing about the Beck Capitalist Disneyland announcement is ... well, it seems to be the equivalent of a 'kick me' sign on his rear end. The manic exuberance of the announcement speaks for itself, if you know what I mean.


Actually I do know what you mean.

Here's the thing I don't think you see. Glenn's venture is only "the equivalent of a 'kick me' sign on his rear end" to progressives of the MJ bent--and not even to all progressives. (Ask George Soros.) It's nowhere near that mirth to everyone else. And even the MJ people are starting to see that Glenn ain't going to be snarked away from on high in Progressive Disneyland as they look down on the Little People.

This last is the metaphorical fantasy world they live in where they are the heroes of the earth's underprivileged--being superior to them and all--and they are so very obviously superior to the rest of mankind. Reality keeps kicking them in the butt, especially when the left gets power--real power with secret police and everything. Then, once that power is consolidated, they are ALWAYS the first to go to the dungeons and firing squads. Look at history. It happens time and time again.

But that never stops them in the social phase of development that America is currently in. Useful idiots all. They are the true Walt Disney folks, dreaming once again with their fragile egos and overblown self-images that they can make utopian magic by waving a snark wand in public. It's funny, too, how they always dream of utopia for others, never for themselves. (Look at how they act when real money is on the line for a good example. You can start with Al Gore.)

I actually like the Disneyland metaphor for MJ-type progressives. It's as close to a perfect fit for their connection to reality as I can come up with. Ain't it sumpin'? That's the same metaphor they are trying to twist on Glenn in this battle of the story wars. The fact that Glenn is inspired by Walt Disney's vision, and he says so, shows just how flexible metaphors can be.

Uncle Walt shore 'nuff made a big symbolic tent.

On the other side, of course you can bash Glenn all you want to here. You just have to put up with me when you do. And I kinda tend to spoil the high people get from snarky smirking. So you get to keep the bashing, though it wilts and fizzles in this environment.

The cost is not sharing the yuckles with insiders. At least not online.

Thus Glenn-bashing might not be as fun here as elsewhere.

But whatever. Have at it.

Lead on MacDuff and damned be him that first cries, "Hold! Enough!"



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