University Thugs

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University Thugs


Notice how these kids have no idea what the first amendment is. And how it is starting to dawn on the first reporter that this thing isn't a victimization story. It's a raw, naked power-grab.


He didn't say this in these words, but you can see it in his attitude, especially in his perplexity at the hostility toward him.


But right at the end of the video with a different reporter, Melissa Click, an assistant professor at the University of Missouri, let fly a humongous Freudian slip:



I quoteth Ms. Click: "I need some muscle over here... Get this reporter out of here!"




It's the veritable mob lady!




How much violence would this idiot do if she got real government power in her hands?


And do you think the mob would do her bidding?


Would they start with reporters?


Hell yeah!




(Shades of Rand's "The Cashing-In: The Student 'Rebellion'"! For those who don't have it, get it here. It's the first essay in that book.)



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This is an interesting site with an annotation option...

If that dramatist were writing a movie, he could justifiably entitle it "Mario Svio, Son of Immanuel Kant."

With rare and academically neglected exceptions, the philosophical "mainstream" that seeps into every classroom, subject and brain in today's universities, is: epistemological agnosticism, avowed irrationalism, ethical subjectivism. Our age is witnessing the ultimate climax, the cashing-in on a long process of destruction, at the end of the road laid out by Kant.

Here we go with Kant being "blamed" for a boatload of evils...

Ever since Kant divorced reason from reality, his intellectual descendants have been diligently widening the breach. In the name of reason, Pragmatism established a range-of-the-moment view as an enlightened perspective on life, context-dropping as a rule of epistemology, expediency as a principle of morality, and collective subjectivism as a substitute for metaphysics.

Logical Positivism carried it further and, in the name of reason, elevated the immemorial psycho-epistemological system -- by proclaiming that knowledge consists of linguistic manipulations. Taking this seriously, Linguistic Analysis declared that the task of philosophy is, not to identify universal principles, but to tell people what they mean when they speak, which they are otherwise unable to know (which last, by that time, was true -- in philosophical circles). This was the final stroke of philosophy breaking its moorings and floating off, like a lighter-than-air balloon, losing any semblance of connection to reality, any relevance to the problems of man's existence.

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The really brilliant part about how the marxist's pulled this Missouri uprising is using the football team because that is where the money flows from.

The success here will be replicated all over the country where the football team is primarily black.

It is going to be a lot of "fun" watching the taxpayer spin in the hurricanes of political correctness...while paying for their own demise. got to take your hat off to Alinsky.


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Once again, Ann nails it...

As she points out, the classic 1896 book, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by the French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon, brilliantly describes the characteristics of mob behavior, including large-scale popular delusions. She says the book is relevant today since it describes the traits of modern liberals and identifies the “root cause” of their behavior. According to Le Bon, crowds are only as clever as the dullest person within them; if a simple message is repeated over and over again, the demagogue can create a contagion that allows unstoppable ideas and emotions to infect an entire culture. It takes a brave citizen indeed to oppose the contagion.

Coulter says liberals don’t want us to know an important part of liberalism’s history—that its policies are the same as those of the French Revolution, and that that revolution remains an inspiration for today’s liberals. She asserts that the liberal mob’s revolutionary document is France’s Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The French declaration addressed one’s natural rights as an individual, and one’s duties to the government. It led to the disastrous French Revolution, with its Reign of Terror; its slogan, “Be my brother or I’ll kill you”; and its symbol, the “national razor”—the guillotine.

Le Bon, a sociologist, explained in his 1895 Treatise, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, that:

The entry of the popular classes into political life—that is to say, in reality, their progressive transformation into governing classes—is one of the most striking characteristics of our epoch of transition. The introduction of universal suffrage, which exercised for a long time but little influence, is not, as might be thought, the distinguishing feature of this transference of political power. The progressive growth of the power of the masses took place at first by the propagation of certain ideas, which have slowly implanted themselves in men’s minds, and afterwards by the gradual association of individuals bent on bringing about the realisation of theoretical conceptions. It is by association that crowds have come to procure ideas with respect to their interests which are very clearly defined if not particularly just, and have arrived at a consciousness of their strength. The masses are founding syndicates before which the authorities capitulate one after the other; they are also founding labour unions, which in spite of all economic laws tend to regulate the conditions of labour and wages. They return to assemblies in which the Government is vested, representatives utterly lacking initiative and independence, and reduced most often to nothing else than the spokesmen of the committees that have chosen them.

Fundamentally transforming this country...ya can't say O'bama was not crystal clear on his intentions.

The present epoch is one of these critical moments in which the thought of mankind is undergoing a process of transformation.

Two fundamental factors are at the base of this transformation. The first is the destruction of those religious, political, and social beliefs in which all the elements of our civilisation are rooted. The second is the creation of entirely new conditions of existence and thought as the result of modern scientific and industrial discoveries.

The ideas of the past, although half destroyed, being still very powerful, and the ideas which are to replace them being still in process of formation, the modern age represents a period of transition and anarchy.

It is not easy to say as yet what will one day be evolved from this necessarily somewhat chaotic period. What will be the fundamental ideas on which the societies that are to succeed our own will be built up? We do not at present know. Still it is already clear that on whatever lines the societies of the future are organised, they will have to count with a new power, with the last surviving sovereign force of modern times, the power of crowds. On the ruins of so many ideas formerly considered beyond discussion, and to-day decayed or decaying, of so many sources of authority that successive revolutions have destroyed, this power, which alone has arisen in their stead, seems soon destined to absorb the others. While all our ancient beliefs are tottering and disappearing, while the old pillars of society are giving way one by one, the power of the crowd is the only force that nothing menaces, and of which the prestige is continually on the increase. The age we are about to enter will in truth be the ERA OF CROWDS.

And, the little deviant continues explaining that:

...History tells us, that from the moment when the moral forces on which a civilisation rested have lost their strength, its final dissolution is brought about by those unconscious and brutal crowds known, justifiably enough, as barbarians. Civilisations as yet have only been created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy, never by crowds. Crowds are only powerful for destruction. Their rule is always tantamount to a barbarian phase. A civilisation involves fixed rules, discipline, a passing from the instinctive to the rational state, forethought for the future, an elevated degree of culture—all of them conditions that crowds, left to themselves, have invariably shown themselves incapable of realising. In consequence of the purely destructive nature of their power crowds act like those microbes which hasten the dissolution of enfeebled or dead bodies. When the structure of a civilisation is rotten, it is always the masses that bring about its downfall. It is at such a juncture that their chief mission is plainly visible, and that for a while the philosophy of number seems the only philosophy of history.

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Don't forget that the First Amendment absolutely must be respected...

... if it can result in a teachable moment...

... if it can be used to end the oppression of the oppressed classes...

... if it can be used to promote ethical healing...

... if it is not used to create a hostile environment...

... if the people using it are sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others...

... most of all, if it can promote diversity and multicultural harmony...

Otherwise, who needs a First Amendment?

Just toss it...



EDIT: Maybe there should be a First Amendment restriction on the use of that much lefie jargon. That shit in excess can make you physically ill. :smile:

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As an aside, has anyone else been bothered by the term "teachable moment"?

Every damn person I hear say that should talk about his or her own learning, not about teaching other people.

But these control freaks only want to teach. Point the finger... Shame others... Posture moral outrage... but, then, maybe sing Kumbaya at the end of a problem if enough people repeat the phrase, "teachable moment"...

I guess that's more fun than learning...



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Well, you know Michael, us rubes need to be reeducated. It would be a lot easier if they could reeducate us all in one place. Perhaps, they could open up a reeducation camp ... oh wait ...

So, I don't know all the details of this story, but it sounds like the Missouri University System President is guilty of not speaking up quickly enough or forcefully enough against racism. I saw a little of his resignation speech where he appeared to humiliate himself by taking full responsibility for all of the racism on campus because, of course, people who don't jump to the PC bandwagon fast enough are as guilty as the actual perpetrators, at least in the twisted minds of the Cultural Marxists.

This is starting to remind me of the Cultural Revolution in China. How many more people that are insufficiently PC will be forced to humiliate themselves before this is over?


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The other insane and irrational intention to "link" this repression to Ferguson/Hands Up Don't Shoot/Black Lives Matter crap is truly bizarre.

A thug who had just committed a strong armed robbery of a convenience store and was questioned by a police officer on the street of Ferguson, and who assaulted the Police Officer, attempted to take his weapon and attempted to kill him with it in the struggle, wound up turning and charging the Police Officer and was shot and killed.

The connection is what?


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There's a good possibility this entire thing was a hoax--one the University of Missouri cannot admit because of the potential lawsuits from those who were fired.

Here is a transcript of Rush Limbaugh's analysis:

We've Been Hoaxed Again, Folks

Here are his main points:

1. The hunger-strike kid comes from wealthy parents, but he just lost his healthcare due to Obamacare. According to what Rush said, under Obamacare universities are forbidden to pay health care insurance for grad students.

2. Here, let Rush do the rest:

"It was a rough night on the campus of the University of Missouri, thanks in large part to Student Body President Payton Head. Head posted on Facebook earlier in the night that the KKK was confirmed on campus and that he was working with 'the MUPD, the state trooper and the National Guard.' The only problem with that terrifying statement is it wasn’t true and Head was forced to delete the post and apologize."

He put it on Facebook, social media, and everybody thinks the KKK has an operating chapter on the campus of Mizzou, and they don't. Now, at this stage you have all these students at Mizzou and every one of them or the vast majority have a cell phone, and all the cell phones have cameras. The students all live on social media and they're posting pictures and everything about themselves they can think of on social media. And yet not one picture of the poop swastika. Not one picture of a car driving around with Confederate flags. Not one video of somebody walking down the street calling an innocent University of Missouri child the N-word.

There isn't any proof for any of this. There isn't any evidence that any of it happened. The evidence is the student body president lied about the KKK and that the hunger strike kid doesn't have much in common with anybody who makes less than $8 million a year.

There's another thing, too. The thug, Melissa Click, who clamored for muscle, resigned her "courtesy appointment" at the School of Journalism, but she still kept her gig as assistant professor at the Department of Communication. I'm not sure, but I don't think she lost any money. Rush claims the School of Journalism is a separate entity, a highly prestigious one, and people who aren't good enough to get in try their luck at the Department of Communication.

Here's a little something for those who want to know more about her: Melissa Click: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.

I think Rush is right--we've all been played this time around. This was organized trouble, not grievance. And the reason was to grab power, not combat racism (of which there seems to be very little at the University of Missouri).


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What did Ayn say about censorship again?

In Have Gun, Will Nudge; The Objectivist Newsletter, March, 1962, 9, she states:

Censorship, in its old-fashioned meaning, is a government edict that forbids the discussion of some specific subjects or ideas—such, for instance, as sex, religion or criticism of government officials—an edict enforced by the government’s scrutiny of all forms of communication prior to their public release. But for stifling the freedom of men’s minds the modern method is much more potent; it rests on the power of nonobjective law; it neither forbids nor permits anything; it never defines or specifies; it merely delivers men’s lives, fortunes, careers, ambitions into the arbitrary power of a bureaucrat who can reward or punish at whim. It spares the bureaucrat the troublesome necessity of committing himself to rigid rules—and it places upon the victims the burden of discovering how to please him, with a fluid unknowable as their only guide


No, a federal commissioner may never utter a single word for or against any program. But what do you suppose will happen if and when, with or without his knowledge, a third-assistant or a second cousin or just a nameless friend from Washington whispers to a television executive that the commissioner does not like producer X or does not approve of writer Y or takes a great interest in the career of starlet Z or is anxious to advance the cause of the United Nations?

FYI, "satirical cartoonists lampooning the protesters are being censored by Facebook for “violating community standards”


Thought control is here.


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Wait until "university thugs" meet real thugs. Many are blacks who didn't make it to college. They're waiting for their return from where they left. Many more are blacks who aren't thugs. They're waiting for these pussifications of humanity to return too.


when I use the term "pussy" I'm not referring to women who aren't pussies--or the men who aren't

(if the right one [man] don't get you the left one [woman] will [it's called "synergy"])

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Poor babies:

Mizzou Campus Activists and Black Lives Matter Complain about Paris Stealing the Spotlight
by Milo Yiannopoulos
Nov. 14, 2015

From the article:

Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.” Their struggles, remember, consist of a poop swastika of unknown provenance and unsubstantiated claims of racially-charged remarks somewhere near Missouri’s campus.

(I want to make some smartass quips, but that Paris massacre was too brutal.)


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How do you argue with people like that girl?

I heard an audio rebroadcast of the interview. Cavuto came close to naming it -- the unearned -- but we can't win any arguments with dynamic accounting. Keely and her socialist comrades are right, there will always be more victims to milk in a mixed economy, even if a few expatriate, even if taxes go up for everybody.

Campaigning in 2008, Obama said he liked pie. Everybody likes pie. The crowd laughed and applauded. His stated political goal was to "grow a bigger pie, so everybody can have some." That's Keely's expectation. More free pie.


See? Obama grew more pie -- according to government statistics. Keely wins.

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This happened four days ago, but it's still worth seeing:

How do you argue with people like that girl?




I would ask her how much education she currently has so we can judge its value ratio to what she is saying.

She needs a refund.

I wonder what is the percentage of lobotomized students there are out there getting higherly educated. I guess it's 99%. That leaves the upper 1% that that mush-for-brain thinks she can hunt down and squeeze. Good luck with that.

This "student"--student of what?--is either a front or she represents no movement in actuality.


her grandparents must be boomers; this means her parents are not much better off in the brains department which in turn helps explain her, which just might mean we're fucked as an American nation

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