The Lying Intellectual Slut Cherokee Liz Warren debates the Incumbent Senator and Soldier Scott Brown Tonight and you can listen here on 96.5 Boston Radio


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I do have to say, the "coverage" that MSNBC is giving to this contest is some of the worst garbage I have ever witnessed.

According to Rachel Maddow, Melissa Harris-Perry, et al., Scott Brown is a white racist running a racial campaign.

Robert Campbell

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Tell 'em how you feel...

Robert Campbell

Oops...did I expose my feelings for an unlicensed practitioner of law who made hundreds of thousands of dollars out of her office in Cambridge and who is basically representative of an individual with no ethics, or, morality, who would use a complete lie to advance herself for purely monetary purposes on the backs of individuals who suffered the despicably vicious application of Federal guns to decimate a people purely because of their ethnicity?

And did I expose my disgust and moral revulsion for an individual that would commit fraud to gain public monies and positions at an Ivy League school?

And did I want to ask the question as to why this despicable creature is not under indictment by Ms. Cokely, the Attorney General of the State of Massachusetts for fraudulently representing her background that directly led to her appointment at the Harvard faculty which directly led to her financial position and all of the financial gain that applied to her appointment?

Sorry, I should be one of the quiet Federal taxpayers who contributed a few dollars to this fraud and I should not ever mention that she is a naked political slut who no horse would want on their back.


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What do have against intellectuals? For that matter, on what basis do you call her a slut? I haven't heard that she even has a sex life, let alone an interesting one. Lying? Alright, you got her there. I hope she loses, RINO opponent or no, but fact is people will be heading to the polls in Massachusetts to vote for BO, and that's got to give her an edge.

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What do have against intellectuals? For that matter, on what basis do you call her a slut? I haven't heard that she even has a sex life, let alone an interesting one. Lying? Alright, you got her there. I hope she loses, RINO opponent or no, but fact is people will be heading to the polls in Massachusetts to vote for BO, and that's got to give her an edge.

An intellectual, ethical and moral slut. Should have qualified that statement.

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An intellectual, ethical and moral slut. Should have qualified that statement.

"If those who are obliged to look after commas had always made sure they were in the right place, then Shanghai would not be burning." - Karl Kraus

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I will accept the slings and arrows of my respected peers.

However, this piece of trash, Elizabeth Warren, is so far below the most modest standard for elective office, which is extremely low, should be cast from the public electoral square.

I stand my ground on that statement. Defend her if you wish.


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I wouldn't call Elizabeth Warren a slut.

Nearly any other epithet will fit.

She pulled in a lot of bucks, while lacking a license to practice law in Massachusetts, from the kinds of corporate clients she affects to deplore. She still refuses to release her list of consulting clients.

She pretended to be 1/32 Cherokee to secure professional advancement under the Affirmative Action regime. In reality, she is as Native American as another detestable phony, Ward Churchill. Her apologists rattle on about "indigenous peoples" while ignoring real live Cherokees in Oklahoma. Obviously, it's their political allies who count, not the Navajo in Arizona or the Sioux in South Dakota.

And the top Democrats think she is the future of their party...

Maybe they're right.

Robert Campbell

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I did not watch the debate tonight**. I am prepared to hate Elizabeth Warren née Herring, Cherokee slut, because my half-sisters and half-brother ARE Cherokee, galdarnit. Well, their grandma's mom was Cherokee, or so they say. TWICE as much Cherokee as the Whore from Harvard.

I am willing to hate her. Did she get a Harvard job over other contenders because of her 1/32 Cherokee heritage? Do we believe her likely story of a family history, a treasured-tale of a Cherokee great plus plus grandma and high-cheeked Grandpapa? I dunno, I accept my three siblings' story, and one sister was called Chink-Face in her early years at school.

According to the Cherokee slut herself, her momma and her pawpaw and her nonna and her whatever ladled out lore of Cherokee heritage to the kids. This is perhaps the story as in my family. I accept it in mine as oral history, even if I do not know the details or have the DNA haplotype results.

On looking up the details, I find the Pawnee Prostitute listed herself of Cherokee heritage in the annual directory of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) deskbook between 1985-1996. She claims that she did not discuss her heritage with Harvard's selection committee nor in tenure discussions. She could be lying. It could be that she did not ride a whorish half-breed handout via 'affirmative action' -- but it still leaves her earlier jobs. Apparently she was a waitress in Oklahoma, a 'special needs' teacher in Houston, and the wife of a NASA engineer, raising two kids. I hope she discussed her heritage with her hubby, and as for the waitress job, it was in her aunt's diner.

Somewhere in there she pullied her 'get out of Oklahoma' card, I figure. Maybe her win as state-wide debate champ at the age of 16, more likely her winning a 'debating' scholarship that got her native-imposter ass through George Washington University.

Yet, maybe it was her Oklahoma born Trail of Tears family bullshit that caused her to mark her entry in the law desk-book. But is it any different from the bullshit of tens of thousands of American half-breed families? The Cherokee expulsions led to the same kind of marrying-out (exogamy) as in post-war Japanese Canadians. If I was a half-way good-looking young woman, having marched my way from the Carolinas to Indian Territory, I would be showing my knees to any guy who could ride a horse and get me outa there.

Beyond that, if I was more Objectivish, more conventionally conservative, or more Republican, I would hate Warren for acts other than half-breed claims. I would hate that she was an appointed adviser to Congress, that she is some kind of expert on bank regulations, that she writes books about the collapse of middle class incomes. This is not quite enough`though, really, but if we add in tenure at Harvard, TARP, teachng at Rutgers, work on the evil-sounding Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, what more do we need to know to hate?

This, all this justifies all the epithets she gets tossed her way, win or lose. Slut or not, whore of Babylon or not, she is in a Senate race, where anything goes. If she wins, she gets a plum assignment, from Them. If she loses, she loses nothing, because she already is of Them.

So, go get 'er, that roundheeled doxy, that slut, that whore, give her all the bad bitch names you can delve. Do not let her saddle up for the Senate. Do not let Claire McAskill ride her fat ass back to a seat in DC. Do not let the other leftist lapdancers win either. Hope that Scott Brown gets a ride on Mitt's coattails.


Big audience. DIck Gregory asks the first question about her native heritage and the faculty directory ...and it goes on for the first ten minutes.

Full debate video: http://www.c-span.or.../10737434503-2/

Big audience means big applause lines. The free-form format of the debate means that the debate is actually gripping at times. Advantage slut or advantage Brown?

Edited by william.scherk
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Actually, I am part Cherokee.


I haven't corroborated it, though. I grew up thinking I was mostly descended from Irish, English and Cherokee. A few short years ago I discovered it was Scot, English and Cherokee. Since I grew up believing in the Irish part and it was wrong, I wonder what else I was misinformed about.

I have no idea why they did that to a kid, but there it is. The closest hint I have is, a few years ago, my father told me my great grandfather (Bear Kelley) had killed a man in Tennessee (or maybe Kentucky, who knows?) and moved to Virginia to escape the law. He dropped the "e" in Kelley to be harder to find. If this is true, I also believe he had everyone change the ancestry story from Scot to Irish for the same reason.

I am pretty sure I can corroborate the Cherokee part if need be, though. There has to be records somewhere. And hell, all anyone has to do is look at a picture of my grandmother on my father's side. She certainly looked the part. I no longer have her picture (and haven't had one for decades), but maybe I will do my bloodline some day, with pictures and everything.


Maybe I could sell my Cherokee ancestry to Elizabeth Warren. I'm not particularly impressed to be part Injun and it looks like she could use some help. :smile:


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Beyond that, if I was more Objectivish, more conventionally conservative, or more Republican, I would hate Warren for acts other than half-breed claims. I would hate that she was an appointed adviser to Congress, that she is some kind of expert on bank regulations, that she writes books about the collapse of middle class incomes. This is not quite enough`though, really, but if we add in tenure at Harvard, TARP, teachng at Rutgers, work on the evil-sounding Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, what more do we need to know to hate?


I don't think you've been following Professor Warren or her present candidacy very closely.

There's no particular reason for anyone to do this who won't be directly affected by her actions, should she be elected to the United States Senate.

But here are the basics:

(1) Warren did not check any box claiming Native American ancestry until she was applying for a job at the University of Pennsylvania. She was long out of Oklahoma by that time.

(2) There's no evidence that Penn waved her about as a "woman of color" and as proof of meeting Affirmative Action quotas that mustn't be called quotas.

(3) Warren checked the Native American box when she applied to Harvard Law School. Like nearly all mortals, even when they are law professors, she did not have the kind of publication record that would have made her a compelling hire to Harvard Law School. However, thanks to a public hullabaloo started not long before by critical race theorist Derrick Bell (and briefly participated in by a then-law student named Barack Obama), HLS had a lot to gain, politically, by proving that it had a "woman of color" on its faculty.

(4) Harvard duly brandished her as a "woman of color." Only after she was safely ensconced there did Warren drop her listing with a minority Law professors' group.

(5) If you are of Cherokee descent in Oklahoma, you know it because one of your ancestors will have been listed by name on a 1894 Federal document called the Dawes Roll, drawn up in the course of settling with the tribe after Indian Territory became Oklahoma Territory. None of her ancestors is on the Dawes Roll; there is no evidence that she ever bothered to find out. Meanwhile, the specific ancestor she claimed was Cherokee is identified as white on surviving documents from that era. (Elizabeth Warren does turn out to be descended, however, from a Tennessee militia officer who helped to round up Cherokees and keep them in a stockade until they were sent on the Trail of Tears.)

(6) Elizabeth Warren has consistently refused to meet with any representatives of the Cherokee Nation concerning her claim of Cherokee ancestry.

(7) Warren's claim to fame before arriving at Harvard was a book on the bankruptcy laws then in force, drawing on data concerning who filed for bankruptcy and what their precise financial circumstances were. Many questions have been raised about the manner in which this research was conducted but Warren et al.'s raw data have never been released in a form that would allow others to check the accuracy of individual records.

(8) Warren was one of the chief architects of FrankenDodd, the legislation that guarantees Too Big To Fail in the course of pretending to do the opposite. She expected to become the first czarina of a new Federal agency, holding a position on which FrankenDodd confers nearly as much arbitrary power as ObamaCare has conferred on Kathleen Sebelius. But she was so politically radioactive that Barack Obama withdrew her nomination. Hence the run for the Senate. (Scott Brown actually deserves her as an opponent, because he let Barney Frank talk him into voting for FrankenDodd. Apparently the parsnips of two or three Massachusetts-based financial institutions were going to be adequately buttered.)

(9) Warren's early campaign rhetoric was the model for Barack Obama's sermon on the subject of "You didn't build that," which his courtiers in the media have been trying to explain away ever since.

(10) While practicing law in Massachusetts without a license, Warren was pleased to receive fat fees from clients exclusively located in the very 1% that she rails against in all of her campaign speeches. (She does, after all, claim to be a major inspiration to Occupy Wall Street.)

(11) Scott Brown is considerably more popular in Massachusetts than Mitt Romney, who would not have won election to a second term as Governor had he been foolish enough to run, and who no sane person predicts will carry the state in November.

(12) Scott Brown detests Todd Akin, and has made that clear from the git-go. None of which has prevented Elizabeth Warren from attributing to her opponent the views on rape and pregnancy so eloquently expressed by Congressman Akin.

Robert Campbell

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The more closely anyone looks into Elizabeth Warren's ancestry, the worse it gets for her:

Robert Campbell

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You are so unfair. You are using facts and our Northern brother wants to keep the meme alive...

you know the meme that all "conservatives," not that Brown is a conservative, however in Massachusetts politics he is basically a Klansman, have to be sent to the trash heap of history.

She is basically a criminal who practices law without a license and has, at best, committed tax fraud.


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We know you have nothing against sluts qua sluts, having claimed to be a total one yourself.But when they are Democratic sluts that seems to make them extra evil like Clinton.

She is basically a criminal who practices law without a license and has, at best, committed tax fraud.

No, Daunce, you are being too kind, granting a sanction to a destroyer, actually -- and we will have to excuse your own socialism for now. No one is ignorant of the double standard in sexual promiscuity. For a man to be active is an accolade, whereas for woman, to be labeled a slut is never a compliment and is never intended as one. Adam's sexist attitudes run deep and he backpedals when called out, which is actually a good thing, indicative that he knows that sexism is wrong.

Moreover, for a libertarian, practicing law or chiropractic or hair styling without a license should be praiseworthy. I will grant that we could accuse Prof. Warren of being hypocritcal, but that is a different complaint, entirely.

Furthermore tax evasion is your moral right according to Objectivism. Libertarians might quibble (maybe) but only a looter says that it is always morally wrong. It might be inconvenient and some context might apply -- fuel taxes pay for roads, so to cheat on your gasoline tax is wrong -- but largely, tax evasion is not perjorative among this crowd.... unless the target is a liberal. Then, you can condemn them for tax evasion, sexual activity, intelligence, erudition, fashion sense, and wealth... or just being alive...

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Furthermore tax evasion is your moral right according to Objectivism. Libertarians might quibble (maybe) but only a looter says that it is always morally wrong.


I have a problem with this, not because I believe taxation is morally this or that.

I don't think of morality when I pay taxes. I think morality has flown the coop at that moment, so I do whatever I think I can get away with to have less hassle in my other affairs. That would include bribery if the opportunity arose. (I'm not saying it has, like say, in Brazil, or nothing... heh heh... :) )

I'm not a fan of taxation.


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Michael, I am aware of the double standard for liberals, in which any every flaw and transgression is a symptom of pure evil, and for anything wrong a conservative might do, liberals have done much more and farworse ... it is the political rhetoric Adam imbibes daily. But my impression is he is just as vituperative about promiscuity in the men as in the women, and he remains permanently indignant about the long-ago excesses of JFK and Clinton--even Nelson Rockefeller. when I made my "slut" comment I was thinking of Bill, not Hillary.

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I am assuming that MEM can still read English even though he has moved to Texas.

The tittle of this thread does say intellectual slut? Correct?

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Eats shoots and leaves.

I just got this book: Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss.

For the reader, here is the story on the back of the book cover:

A panda walks into a café. He order a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air.

"Why?" asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit, The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.

"I'm a panda," he says, at the door. "Look it up."

The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation.

"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."


I got this last week at a book sale for a little of nothing because it looked cute. I think I'm going to enjoy it.


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  • 2 years later...

This is an Official Warning and Alert - this woman could beat Evita and have a good chance in the general...







This woman could definitely beat Evita and has a decent shot at beating whoever stumbles into the Republican nomination...


It will be important for the Democrats to go to convention before the Republicans because if Warren is the nominee, they should pick Fiorina.


A man would not have a good chance of beating her.



Someone on her staff needs to tell ole Lizzie Borden that she looks rather odd with those two "microphones" placed as they are...
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The Republicans decided in January 2014 to convene from July 18 - 21 2016; the Democrats decided the same month to open their convention on the 25th. By tradition the party that doesn't hold the presidency goes first.

In any case the nominations are decided in the primaries months earlier. The delegates can't in practice do anything about this at convention time.

Warren won't have to worry about money. She can open her own casino.

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