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I guess I'm getting weary of the same old crap year after year.

"Oops. You're right. I screwed up. Sorry. I'll fix it and it won't happen again."

Saying this is the kiss of death to a person's self-esteem to far too many people in O-Land. It's a flag of shame.

I'm glad to say I've seen almost all the regulars on OL actually say some variation of this too many times to count. God knows I have. And without a lot of blah blah blah ("I'm sorry, BUT... blah blah blah...", meaning I'm not really sorry).

"Oops. My bad. Gonna fix it. Fixed."

And it actually gets fixed in action.

When that happens, nothing happens. Nobody talks about it anymore, which is the way it should be.

The funny part is this nobody talks about it anymore part happens naturally. Because, quite literally, nobody talks about it anymore.

That's what I have seen over and over and over. Years on end.

On a personal note, I like people who like self-responsibility over excuses.


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Now that was some serious quality control. I hope we didn't just lose a potentially valuable member to a simple misunderstanding. I'm willing to bet he made an honest mistake (an assumption, in this case) based on an incomplete set of evidence. If he was visiting the site via mobile device, he probably couldn't view the site's stats page.


I don't believe he was "faking" anything, if, by "faking", you mean the intentional misrepresentation of information. This was just an issue of simple ignorance, not malevolence.

Michael, I'm afraid your hostility toward trolls is being carried over to, and directed toward, folks who don't really deserve it.

It's too soon to determine palebirch's character. Like all characters, it would be revealed in time. His character could have gone either way, good or bad. Now, we may never know which way it would have gone.

Please come back birdy

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Michael, I'm afraid your hostility toward trolls is being carried over to, and directed toward, folks who don't really deserve it.


I'm complicated.


No one's talking about complicated, just what comes out of the volcano.

One thing I don't respect, however, is someone coming in here blind, parachuting in with a "mobile device" and landing with an insult thinking the door would open to his salutations. Then wimp away. The kid should go join the Marines and toughen up. Ayn Rand and her ideas have been running around in my head since 1963 and it's very hard to adjust to newbie ignorance which is always dressed out in some kind of arrogance just as I was in my 20s. This place is a wood chipper. No one gets thrown into it but it's a wonder who jumps into it.


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One thing I don't respect, however, is someone coming in here blind, parachuting in with a "mobile device" and landing with an insult thinking the door would open to his salutations.


What do you say to a person who did that, but doesn't think he insulted anybody?

So I said what I said.

As to what I said, I don't see how what I said to him could possibly be insulting, how any thinking person could possibly come to that conclusion, but I can apologize if he is dork enough to think I did insult him. After all, I'm reasonable. (batting eyes innocently...)



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Pale Ale wrote on another topic:

It's a black-capped chickadee. There are lots around here and I think they're very sweet.

end quote

Sweet? You gotta be a chickadee. That word reminds me of Penny when she is being nice to Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. She has figured out she is talking to a little boy and tries to mother him.

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Pale Ale ...[

...You gotta be a chickadee. ...


Ahh yeeesss...


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