Sad News - Vice President Joe Biden'd Son Died At Walter Reed Of Brain Cancer - 46


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Condolences to the family.

This is the second child he has lost...

Mr. Biden’s death marks a second tragic loss for the vice president, whose first wife, Neilia, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi, were killed in a car accident in 1972 when the station wagon they were driving in to go Christmas shopping was hit by a tractor-trailer. Beau Biden and his brother, Hunter, were also injured in the crash, but both survived.


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"Brain cancer symptoms:

Symptoms of brain cancer depend on several factors, including the tumor type, size, location and extent, as well as age, health history and more.

Some common signs of brain cancer include headache, weakness, numbness, nausea, vomiting or seizures. Some individuals may not feel right cognitively, or have visual, speech or coordination problems. The symptoms may be subtle or develop gradually.

Symptoms of brain cancer are influenced by which part of the brain is involved and the functional system it affects (e.g., motor, sensory, language, etc.). For example, vision problems may result from a tumor near the optic nerve. A tumor in the front part of the brain may affect the ability to concentrate and think. A tumor located in an area that controls motor function may cause weakness, numbness or difficulty with speech. Any tumor that is significantly large can create multiple symptoms because of the pressure created by the mass"

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Why should the death of the son of a powerful politician be of any more concern to the general public than the death of anyone else? I understand why the media, given its obsession with power politics, picked up this story, but why should O'ists and libertarians care? I certainly don't.


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Why should the death of the son of a powerful politician be of any more concern to the general public than the death of anyone else? I understand why the media, given its obsession with power politics, picked up this story, but why should O'ists and libertarians care? I certainly don't.


Fair enough.

Objectively George, you are correct.

I reacted from a purely personal emotional place because any parent who has to bury a child affects me personally since I have been very close to friends that have had to live through it.

It would have been my reaction to any Gold Star parent as well.

I would not necessarily have posted those on OL.

Good point George.


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Only because his death ties into one's own life experiences for its semi-celebrity status. I don't feel much of anything for his son, how could I?, and a father's grief is understandable and it's not-unreasonable to assume the veep has grief and I sure can give him a pass on that while not on much else. As for Selene putting this item up it doesn't seem to fit this site but Selene (Adam) himself doesn't either and even I'm somewhat out of whack. Strictly speaking this isn't an Objectivist site nor a libertarian one. It's an idea site usually out of that kind of orientation. Trolls don't last very long here. Greg is the only troll I know of who has lasted and kept his trolldom. X-Ray made the transition from being a troll to detrolling herself. The only one I know of. Once she posted a lot, now seldom, but not because she is not welcome.

I do care a little, I cared a lot more when I had to drown two orphaned baby birds--that turned into pure trauma--that is to say, I cared more on the gut level for them than either the veep or his son--there will soon be 7 billion people on this planet, almost everyone as individuals outside my circle or caring--they have to be--save my caring not to hurt them--I do care to hurt all those ISIS guys I could theorectically get my hands on, for them I could be a remorseless killer and I've never felt that way before even when I was a combat soldier, except that is what they want me to be to them--that's part of the reason they do what they do--more than anything they want to fight even if that means the United States sends in another army and utterly crushes them, and that's part of the why the US is ginning up right now for another war and the main focus of that war will eventually be Iran, not Iraq-Syria and that's exactly what will happen, I fear, once Obama is replaced for the neo-cons in true charge of everything Fed-war important want it, even if it involves Russia--AKA insanity (Joe Bidden will run for President if Hilliary stumbles and the Main Stream Corporate Media [MSM or MSCM] discards her)


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