Run Hillary Run - Still an outside possibility


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"Do I look like I'm in charge of anything?"

Yep, good likeness.

[Not my fault! What difference does it make? I didn't technically break the law as it was on the day you said I did, etc, etc]

If the Obama administration and justice dept and the media stopped propping her up she'd fall like a bucket of lead on Jupiter.

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Glad you liked it Jules...

Here are some interesting trend lines:

In the face of increasing legal questions about the safety of secrets on the private e-mail server she used as secretary of State and of a vigorous intraparty challenge from Bernie Sanders, belief that Hillary Clinton is likely to be next year's Democratic presidential nominee has dropped noticeably over the past month.

Dropped - operative word # 1:

The latest Hillary Meter shows that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that Clinton is likely to be the next Democratic presidential candidate, but just 26% say it is Very Likely. That compares to 78% and 43% a month ago. Thirty percent (30%) consider that outcome unlikely, with 11% who feel it is Not At All Likely. That overall figure is up 10 points from the previous survey. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

78% & 43 % 30 short days ago...

63% & 26%

Among likely Democratic voters, 74% think Clinton is likely to be their party’s nominee, but that’s down from 87% in the previous survey and 93% earlier in July. Eighteen percent (18%) of Democrats think Clinton is unlikely to be the nominee. The latest findings include 35% who say Clinton is Very Likely to be the nominee, down from 53% a month ago, but still just four percent (4%) who say that scenario is Not At All Likely.

93% early July

87% mid late ? July

74% Now...


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Evita's Porn Store And Campaign Shoppe...

H_Cookie_Cutter_grande.jpg?v=1439912016Modeled on Bill's after application of the Testicle Lock Box

This is the Evita Correction Device and very effective when applied to the above...


Another discipliner which is made more effective when you heat it on the grille...


Excellent punishment tool and holds all your classified data on a thumb drive...


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A great idea...


An Arkansas man has requested in his obituary that loved ones do not vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, making him at least the third individual to do so since Clinton launched her campaign in April.

The obituary for Richard Buckman of Beebe, Ark., reads, “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary,” mirroring text that was included in a recent obituary for a deceased New Jersey woman.

Buckman died on Aug. 22 at the age of 75, three days after news broke that the obituary for 63-year-old Elaine Fyrdrych of Gloucester Township, N.J., advised funeral goers, “Elaine requests, ‘In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.’”

Indeed, such requests have become something of a trend. The obituary for a 81-year-old North Carolina man who died the day after Clinton launched her presidential campaign also asked loved ones to refrain from voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.

Now this is a long term gift!


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Man, ain't this the truth:


Well, the man was weird and kinda nasty, so I guess that counts in Hillary-land as a reason for meddling and invading, getting a USA Ambassador killed, screwing up the entire country, and supplying a crapload of weapons to anti-American forces.

Oh, I forgot. All this was because a YouTube video...


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I have been reticent about believing that Evita was this stupid...

However, if this story has legs, she will be forced out of the race, even if it is for health reasons.

“While everyone talks about the U.S. being aware of the high threat of hacking and foreign spying, there was a certain nonchalance at Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in protecting sensitive data that alarms the intel community,” one source familiar with the email review told The Times. “We’re supposed to be making it harder, not easier, for our enemies to intercept us.”

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Evita's Southern Strategy - today's NY Times:

The eight primaries will deliver several hundred delegates for Mrs. Clinton, advisers believe, toward the goal of more than 2,200 needed to clinch the Democratic nomination. The campaign is barraging superdelegates in the South with requests for support — sometimes even jumping the gun by sending pledge forms prematurely — in hopes of adding scores of these party leaders who can bring their votes to the Clinton column at the Democratic National Convention.

The Southern firewall also includes Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina, which vote through mid-March. If Mrs. Clinton wins big in the Michigan and Ohio primaries that month, her advisers and supporters believe, the nomination will essentially be hers (though crossing the total delegate threshold takes time).

Mrs. Clinton’s Southern strategy shows in sharp relief the imprint of the data-driven, organization-focused nature of the Obama 2008 campaign on the Clinton operation. Her aides are committed to keeping their heads down and taking the long view in the face of Mrs. Clinton’s unstable poll numbers and other headaches.

This is similar to the Generals who fight with the last war's strategy which is filled with serious blind spots.

Again, can't see this as a good strategy, however, I have to look at the numbers because it is a Democratic primary.

Also, not sure if those states are winner take all or the "progressive" concept of proportional allotment of delegates.

Weird processes in each party that change from cycle to cycle.


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Well, here we have Evita pointing her bony, skeletal, crooked finger, leering and wetting she rasps about throwing employers in jail.


Hear the monotonous cackling cadence of her voice as she emphasizes the word "THE[she says thee] and watch her head bob as if she actually is competent.




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OK, ya got me, pick a caption:


1) Evita I lied!

2) Hands up, I claim the 5th;

3) I am wearing Mitt Romney's Sacred Underwear So I Am Protected - So Fuck You America!

4) I am not a crook, hmm did I hear that from that Watergate guy;

5) ___________________________________________________.

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This article is devastating for Evita, the nineteen (19) questions that us citizens have to have from you just about "e-mail gate:"

7. You said you didn’t have time to think about your email sys­tem when you star­ted at State, but it ap­pears you put a lot of thought in­to it. You said you did it for the con­veni­ence of hav­ing one device, but we found out later you car­ried at least two. You also said it was for you and Pres­id­ent Clin­ton to email each oth­er, but we now know he has only emailed once in his life. Why can’t we get a straight an­swer about why you cre­ated an un­au­thor­ized, un­pre­ced­en­ted email in­fra­struc­ture?

9. Ever hear of Thomas Drake? He’s the former seni­or Na­tion­al Se­cur­ity Agency of­fi­cial in­dicted un­der the Es­pi­on­age Act for keep­ing an agency email prin­tout at his home that was not marked as clas­si­fied. He pleaded guilty to a mis­de­mean­or. Why do you and your aides keep sug­gest­ing that it mat­ters wheth­er or not your emails were marked clas­si­fied?

5. Who au­thor­ized the de­le­tion of 31,000 emails from your serv­er? Who car­ried it out? Were they ap­proved to re­view and se­cure clas­si­fied doc­u­ments?

1. While apo­lo­giz­ing in an ABC in­ter­view on Tues­day, you said, “What I had done was al­lowed; it was above­board.” You must know by now that while the State De­part­ment al­lowed the use of home com­puters in 2009, agency rules re­quired that email be se­cured. Yours was not. Just nine months in­to your term, new reg­u­la­tions re­quired that your emails be cap­tured on de­part­ment serv­ers. You stashed yours on a home-brewed sys­tem un­til Con­gress found out. Why not ad­mit you vi­ol­ated policy? Why do you keep mis­lead­ing people?

The key two (2) that are already in question:

10. You emailed your Middle East en­voy, George Mitchell, so­li­cit­ing a “reply” to your “per­son­al email.” He re­spon­ded with what is a now clas­si­fied sum­mary of his dis­cus­sion with Italy’s for­eign min­is­ter. Did you not know that type of head-of-state com­mu­nic­a­tion is in­stantly clas­si­fied? What were you ex­pect­ing to hear from Mr. Mitchell?

11. Re­mem­ber get­ting an email about the map­ping of North Korea’s nuc­le­ar pro­gram, which has since been marked clas­si­fied? Why didn’t you raise any red flags in­tern­ally, or do you think this type of in­form­a­tion should be le­git­im­ately un­clas­si­fied?

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OK, ya got me, pick a caption:


1) Evita I lied!

2) Hands up, I claim the 5th;

3) I am wearing Mitt Romney's Sacred Underwear So I Am Protected - So Fuck You America!

4) I am not a crook, hmm did I hear that from that Watergate guy;

5) ___________________________________________________.

5. I finally climaxed.

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