Leftists Celebrate Anti-Semites

Ed Hudgins

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Leftists Celebrate Anti-Semites

By Edward Hudgins

February 28, 2014 — Who we celebrate as heroes says much about ourselves. The celebration by leftists of two anti-Jewish nuts is an

advertisement of the celebrants’ own moral sickness and hypocrisy.

Ruling lizards
In February, Leftist bastion PBS aired a documentary entitled Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth. Walker won a Pulitzer Prize for her 1982 novel The Color Purple, which was made into motion picture.
Walker is also a fan of the lunatic delusions British ex-sportscaster and Green Party spokesman David Icke. In an interview last year Walker said of Icke, “What I was remembering was how he called our oppressors ‘blue eyed devils.’ Now who could that have been? Well, we see them here in David Icke’s book as the descendants of the reptilian race that landed on our sweet planet.”
You read it right folks. This is not an Onion story. Icke believes that our world is ruled by an Illuminati Brotherhood of interplanetary reptilians from the constellation Draco who are disguised as humans, come here to steal “monatomic gold,” which supposedly has magical powers. If you stifle your gag reflex and get through the particulars of Icke’s insanity you would not be wrong to think it sounds like an interplanetary version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Icke is an admirer of that notorious anti-Semitic forgery. This suggests something about the weird workings of the minds of those prone to invent bizarre conspiracy theories to explain the problems of the world, with a focus on secret cabals.
Attacking Jews
Which brings us back to Walker. Has she done anything recently that might call her to the attention of PBS? Well, last year she published a book entitled, The Cushion in the Road. In it she compares Israelis to Nazis, declares that Israel has no right to exist, and defends terrorist attacks on Israelis.
Anti-Defamation League head Abraham Foxman says that "Walker has sunk to new lows with essays that remove the gloss of her anti-Israel activism to reveal someone who is unabashedly infected with anti-Semitism.” Walker is not simply arguing against particular policies of the Israeli government; that’s fair game. Instead, she perpetuates the same hatred that has plagued Jews for centuries. And she gives a pass to the Islamist thugs in the Middle East and those among her beloved Palestinians who oppose every civilized and Enlightenment value.
And she is celebrated by PBS.
Double standard
When Mel Gibson makes anti-Jewish or racist slurs, liberals and leftists demand that he do the whole apology tour thing. Gibson is white and a Christian, though a particularly nutty version. But to show their “tolerance,” the liberals and leftists go out of their way to honor Walker, who is black, ignoring the bigotry she perpetrates. Leaders black and white should seek to overcome bigotry, promoting the goal of judging individuals by their merits rather than by membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.
These liberals and leftists deserve perhaps as much damnation as Walker. They should know better and it is their double standard that props up such haters.


Edward Hudgins is Director of Advocacy and a senior scholar at The Atlas Society.

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Hudgens is citing an Israeli lobby group famous for accusing all anti-israeli statements to be 'anti-semitic'

Moreover, there is nothing in the text that even remotely suggests that Walker made a direct anti-semitic statement independent of her views that Israel is an illegal settler state.

This, then, is bozo journalism at its worst:

You either agree (idiotically!) that those who oppose Israel are closet Jew-haters, or (sanely) that Israel's policies, like those of every other country, is open for scrutiny. You simply don't succumb to verbal blackmail that says. "if you criticize israel, I'll call you an anti-semite".


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I just bopped around a few places on the Internet about this (I don't have much time right now due to travel--in fact, I might be seeing you in a couple of hours :) if you are at Barbara's Memorial event, so I can't dig too deep), but it seems like Walker is even worse than you are portraying her re bigotry.

I need to read more, but that one looks like one nasty piece of work. The only good Jew for her is a victim (the worse the better), never a victor, not even in the Bible. That is if what I just read about her is true. I'll read more on this when I return home.

I loved the Spielberg movie of The Color Purple, though.


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I just bopped around a few places on the Internet about this (I don't have much time right now due to travel--in fact, I might be seeing you in a couple of hours :smile: if you are at Barbara's Memorial event, so I can't dig too deep), but it seems like Walker is even worse than you are portraying her re bigotry.

I need to read more, but that one looks like one nasty piece of work. The only good Jew for her is a victim (the worse the better), never a victor, not even in the Bible. That is if what I just read about her is true. I'll read more on this when I return home.

I loved the Spielberg movie of The Color Purple, though.



Although at the end of the day she represents no one but herself, I'm still curious to know what anti-semitic comments she's made that have nothing to do with Israel. Kindly elucidate, please.

I hate Spielberg. The novel was historically important (as it's approached in Lit as an artifact) because it reveals the male brutality towards women in 'black' culture, so conceived.


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Ed Hudgins quotes:

Anti-Defamation League head Abraham Foxman says that "Walker has sunk to new lows with essays that remove the gloss of her anti-Israel activism to reveal someone who is unabashedly infected with anti-Semitism.”

There is a line between bad ideas and “bad actions” that has been crossed. The host of the new Family Feud is a blatant racist too. And to illustrate that fact, half his contestant / families are black though black skinned humans compose 12 percent of the population. Black actor Samuel Jackson is a horrible racist and was a member of the Black Panthers. When he was in college he took some students and people in the administration as “hostages.” He spoke a few years ago at the New Black Panthers convention.


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Well. Here is Eva again. I am not following her around. EM wrote:

Although at the end of the day she represents no one but herself, I'm still curious to know what anti-semitic comments she's made that have nothing to do with Israel. Kindly elucidate, please.

end quote

Well, one thing Ed mentioned was that, “Walker said of Icke, “What I was remembering was how he called our oppressors ‘blue eyed devils.’”

Eva, it could be argued that Ethiopians are coffee au lait Jews and that there are blue eyed African Americans who are not, but since the time of Dubois into the time of Malcolm X white people have been called, “blue eyed devils.” I remember thinking as a teenager that Malcolm X was really brave, but then I read about him saying that the white devils only recently climbed out of the trees! That did not jibe with what I knew of Evolution, and I knew Malcolm in the Muddle was a Muslim where the two main sects argue over whether Mohammed climbed out of a tree or came up a water well. They actually kill each other over that fantasy!

Walker refused to have her books translated into Hebrew which is the language of many Jews, and not just the Israelis.

As a great comedian said, “A cigar is a fine smoke but it looks like a t*&$ and it smells like s@#!.” Now cut that out Julius Henry or as we know the curmudgeon, "Groucho." Likewise, Alice Walker stinks.

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Well. Here is Eva again. I am not following her around. EM wrote:

Although at the end of the day she represents no one but herself, I'm still curious to know what anti-semitic comments she's made that have nothing to do with Israel. Kindly elucidate, please.

end quote

Well, one thing Ed mentioned was that, “Walker said of Icke, “What I was remembering was how he called our oppressors ‘blue eyed devils.’”

Eva, it could be argued that Ethiopians are coffee au lait Jews and that there are blue eyed African Americans who are not, but since the time of Dubois into the time of Malcolm X white people have been called, “blue eyed devils.” I remember thinking as a teenager that Malcolm X was really brave, but then I read about him saying that the white devils only recently climbed out of the trees! That did not jibe with what I knew of Evolution, and I knew Malcolm in the Muddle was a Muslim where the two main sects argue over whether Mohammed climbed out of a tree or came up a water well. They actually kill each other over that fantasy!

Walker refused to have her books translated into Hebrew which is the language of many Jews, and not just the Israelis.

As a great comedian said, “A cigar is a fine smoke but it looks like a t*&$ and it smells like s@#!.” Now cut that out Julius Henry or as we know the curmudgeon, "Groucho." Likewise, Alice Walker stinks.

Thanks, Peter, for the research and answer. Hopefully, i did not come across as defending her; rather i only wanted to remark on the poverty of the original article as such.

As a 'blue-eyed', i have no problem with racial retaliation against those who would label me a 'devil'. For the record, then, anyone of African descent who uses such a term is a fucking nigger.

In other words, either we all are polite or no one is--no slack, no quarter given. One racial epithet deserves another, period, end of conversation.

Kindly note my reputation as a viper. i'm as nice to others as they are to me.

Cheers, Eva

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EM wrote:

In other words, either we all are polite or no one is--no slack, no quarter given.

end quote

Many epithets are too convoluted. Wogswopsslantsgooks, deep breath greaserscuntswetbackshonkiesjerkskikes. See, like “blue eyed devil” these two are cumbersome.

In contrast, saying a nice thing almost needs to be sung, “Ooh, baby, baby.” Many years ago I was teaching an 8th grade class. I sent three people to the VP for saying the “n” word. All of them were black. No, no, Troy. I won’t do it. Don’t worry Eva, I’m not sending you to “the office.”

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