Hannity Expose on Dirty Tricks in Obama Propaganda

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Hannity Expose on Dirty Tricks in Obama Propaganda


I saw this last night on TV, but it is on Real Clear Politics. So I got the embed codes.


This is a very good analysis of surface-level left-wing propaganda and how the themes are repeated from campaign to campaign.


But added to it is a nutshell bio of Susan Cutter--dirty trick-master, racism and bleed-the-rich class warfare as propaganda tactics, including scare the hell out of seniors, and several other topics that are on the surface, but in an odd manner are hidden in plain sight from everyone.


I remember Hannity did an excellent analysis of Obama's left-wing roots right before the 2008 election. In fact, he was the only mainstream person to do something like that. Thus, he was the only mainstream personality who was right in terms of fundamentals.


The current program hits that bar of excellence--even if it smacks a bit like propaganda itself. But after all, this is Hannity and he is clear and up front about what he believes in.


Enjoy. There are plenty of facts, not just opinions.


Hannity's America ~ The Dirtiest Campaign Ever 9/23/12









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There's a propaganda issue Obama's team has been using that Hannity did not mention, but I see it clearly. Actually, being who he is, I'm not sure he could mention it.

The propagandists set booby-traps based on hot-button profiling.

How they do this is to take someone to a highly visible public venue and say something totally outrageous on a hot-button issue. This goads those who do not think to respond with well-worn stereotypical statements--stuff that sounds like bigotry (and probably is for a good deal of it). Then the propagandists point and say look at them. They are all like that. They are all Guns 'n Bible bigots and whatnot. Now vote for us, we who are reasonable.

They did this with Sandra Fluke. Even Rush Limbaugh, with all his media savvy, fell into that trap. Sex, free-loading, contraception and bogus victimization all presented in public--to Congress at that--without an ounce of shame. Heh. They profiled well on this one.

I believe they tried this tactic recently with UN Ambassador Susan Rice in her tour of Sunday talk shows. She flat-out said the Libyan attack was not premeditated or terrorism.

This was supposed to get the "crackers" riled up so much they would spout out a lot of anti-Mulsim stuff.

Instead, this one backfired. Not even normal Obama supporters bought it.

But I believe it was the same tactic.

And I believe we are going to see a lot more of it over the next few weeks.


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There's a propaganda issue Obama's team has been using that Hannity did not mention, but I see it clearly. Actually, being who he is, I'm not sure he could mention it.

The propagandists set booby-traps based on hot-button profiling.

How they do this is to take someone to a highly visible public venue and say something totally outrageous on a hot-button issue. This goads those who do not think to respond with well-worn stereotypical statements--stuff that sounds like bigotry (and probably is for a good deal of it). Then the propagandists point and say look at them. They are all like that. They are all Guns 'n Bible bigots and whatnot. Now vote for us, we who are reasonable.

They did this with Sandra Fluke. Even Rush Limbaugh, with all his media savvy, fell into that trap. Sex, free-loading, contraception and bogus victimization all presented in public--to Congress at that--without an ounce of shame. Heh. They profiled well on this one.

I believe they tried this tactic recently with UN Ambassador Susan Rice in her tour of Sunday talk shows. She flat-out said the Libyan attack was not premeditated or terrorism.

This was supposed to get the "crackers" riled up so much they would spout out a lot of anti-Mulsim stuff.

Instead, this one backfired. Not even normal Obama supporters bought it.

But I believe it was the same tactic.

And I believe we are going to see a lot more of it over the next few weeks.


Michael, I think sometimes you over=think things. About Fluke, which came well before the campaign heated up. I see this as an appeal to the Democratic base, if it turned out a trap that was just luck. And Limbaugh climbed out in good shape. About Rice I don't know, they are stuck with her original statements so maybe they are just doubling down. The election is so polarised already, I can't see any payoff in just reinforcing everyone's already-held opinions. The right will still see Rice as a craven appeaser and Fluke as a freeloading slut etc, The independents, who knows? They might not care about foreign policy or reproductive issues at all, The left will certainly not change their minds.

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PS I hear that Sandra F has received many proposals of marriage since her sudden celebrity.She might soon be made an honest woman of and start a family and taxpayers will no longer have to pay for her avoid the consequences of her promiscuity, She will be her husband's problem!

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If they didn't do all those damn focus groups and so on, I would agree with you.

But I detect a pattern.

Somewhere on this forum I have a video of Howard Dean teaching Europeans about the pivot method of non-arguing. (Basically, this means irrespective of what someone says, you respond with, "Yes, that is interesting. But the real problem is..." And you go off talking about whatever the hell you want to talk about. Since TV time is precious, you can run out the clock very easily this way. Or hog an interview. You can especially sidestep uncomfortable issues.

Well, here's the kicker. Dean got this from Lakoff. This crap is studied, adopted in group and passed around. The meet to compare notes on this stuff.

Once you learn to see it, you kinda get bored with mainstream media. It's ALL spin techniques.

As you watch, you say, "Oops, there's a pivot. Oops, there's false scarcity. Oops, there's a strawman based on a profile. Oops, there's anchoring an image to a sound bite." And so on.

The Hannity presentation above does not deal with this level of persuasion. He is staying on the surface. Polarization through racism, the big lie, class warfare, scare tactics and so on. But he did a pretty good job of documenting this stuff for the average viewer.

(And he used some monkey-business of his own when doing it, but since I'm biased, I'm keeping mum. :) )


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The right will still see Rice as a craven appeaser and Fluke as a freeloading slut etc, The independents, who knows? They might not care about foreign policy or reproductive issues at all, The left will certainly not change their minds.


Sandra Fluke is a zealous feminist/LGBT activist (who applied to Georgetown because she wanted to take on a Catholic university, and whose demands have included requiring Georgetown's health insurance to cover sex reassignment surgery).

If anyone on the right thinks Ms. Fluke is a slut, he or she has definitely not been paying attention.

Rush Limbaugh stepped in it big time. I agree with you that the Obami did not anticipate the gift he would give them when they picked her for the role of a poor, put-upon student denied her chance to testify in front of a Congressional committee.

Robert Campbell

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About Rice I don't know, they are stuck with her original statements so maybe they are just doubling down.

I agree with Michael that Barack Obama and his handlers do sometimes try to keep issues alive so they can blame their opponents for their reactions.

This seems to have been the case with Obama's birth certificate. They didn't want to produce it because doing so would bring an end to birtherism—and they were hoping to tar Republicans as birthers all the way to November 6. Donald Trump and the guy who was about to publish a book on the subject forced their hand.

I don't see this with Susan Rice. Until Sunday before last, she was infrequently sighted on the talking head circuit. All of a sudden, she does 4 shows in a single day, reciting identical talking points on each. I suspect she had been handed a script and told to speak from it, because Obama was personally desperate to offload blame for his administration's lousy performance in post-Qadhafi Libya. I also think she's done lasting harm to her reputation.

Robert Campbell

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Oh, I believe Rice was hung out there to shift the blame from Obama as part of it. But I also believe in my speculation. I agree with you that she was handed a script and set out with hard-to-get bookings on prime TV shows because she was told to speak from the script. And that is precisely why I believe part of her mission was to get a bigoted reaction. Any two year-old could see that her total denial would not fly all the way. So I believe they were hoping it would fly some and get a reaction (and God knows what else.)

I also agree that they had no idea Fluke would bag Rush. That fell in their lap. But I have no doubt she was floated the way she was to get a reaction--at least as part of the overall strategy. Fluke certainly did not act alone. These people know exactly what they are doing.

btw - Nice catch about the birther thing. I hadn't even thought of it yet, since I only recently noticed this pattern. If people go looking, I am sure they will find a lot more.


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And that is precisely why I believe part of her mission was to get a bigoted reaction. Any two year-old could see that her total denial would not fly all the way.


I made the same suggestion about the birth certificate back when Obama finally instructed his handlers to release a copy. It's been a while...

I could see this kind of strategy being employed with Susan Rice. But the same Obama administration previously denied that Omar Abdulmutallab had anything to do with Al Qa'eda and that Faisal Shahzad had anything to do with the Taliban. And in each case a different official was handed the script.


And I'm not at all sure that Barack Obama considers the general public to be as smart as a 2-year-old. On a clip not originally broadcast on 60 Minutes, Steve Kroft asks the President about some obviously mendacious advertising by his campaign. Watch the closeup during Obama's answer. I'm no Ekmanite, but I see several micro-smirks coming and going on the President's face. He knows his campaign lies, he feels entitled to lie, and he doesn't think anyone who might see through it is going to make him pay for it.

If the plan was to send Rice out to get the rednecks frothing, it failed. The only Democrats in Congress who have been widely quoted on the Benghazi attack obviously never bought the administration line.

If anyone writes a fly-on-the-wall book about Obama administration strategizing, it promises to be a fascinating read.

Robert Campbell

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And before that they voted to expand Medicare, and before that for USA PATRIOT...

Not to mention, voted for farm bills and ISTEA and all the rest.

The best you can hope for is that the new ones don't want to repeat the mistakes of the old, and that in the meantime some of the old ones have woken up.

Robert Campbell

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In his recently concluded speech at the UN, Obama doubled down—again—on the craptastic video as his excuse:


He didn't unfurl a banner that read KICK US: WE'RE THE WEAK HORSE.

But he might as well have.

Robert Campbell

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