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  • Birthday 06/07/1967

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  1. I thought that was what I was doin’, lol.
  2. Wait, you said Ukrainian , maybe I need to check my display settings.
  3. Not sure what they are smoking up North but, Ukraine can't defeat Russia militarily and especially not now. NATO acting in a combined effort may have the ability but Ukraine by itself can't , and realistically never had that ability post '89-91, and obviously not pre those years either. Eg the relatively uncontested annexation of Crimea. That Xi wouldn't have a pretty good guess as to Putin's maneuvers without Putin actually verbalizing is a little silly , heck even Biden announced what Putin was 'going' to do and said a little incursion wasn't that terrible. I think Russia and China have an agreement/arrangement , for a while now, that basically says that any territorial disputes along their huge and distant border would be settled via nukes , so basically an agreement to not fuck around in those areas, but maybe that's just a myth , but maybe not. Can Slavs 'genocide' other Slavs? Killing is killing is killing, genocide is a political accusation.
  4. Yes, I think most of O-Land will remain under the TDS spell as it seems they did with Covid and Ukraine, go figure.
  5. First and foremost : TRUMP 2024! But what is this thing? If it wasn't supposed to be a press release who was the intended recipient, it is addressed :"To Whom It May Concern" and the typo( ?) "20011" , that's a ways off yet And in a weird way it is probably 'truer' than true, her stage/porn/stripper name is Stormy , not her legal name, so even if they had um a liaison, unless it was filmed Stormy and Trump really didn't. lol Though whatever the genesis of the monies given to her , she could have had some fun with the rumor and made a film with a guy who looks like DJT , actually just creative blocking and a guy in a red tie, lol. But this letter is : I do not know what.
  6. But, um, she denied an event in the future and signed a ‘document’ with a pseudonym, also was this a press release in 2018?
  7. It's not bail , he is being forced to post an excessive bond for an excessive fine in a civil suit. A suit in which there was no victim or party harmed by Trump's actions. The Bolsheviks went into the palace and killed the Czar in 1917, today they guard the power they have accrued by attacking the citizenry from the citadels of power, weaponizing the institutions against those who are trying to dislodge them. 21st century bolshevism just as power lusty but less literal bloody.
  8. Her 'tactic' is more like a collaborative practice. When 'newspapers' ( pages of text created by pressing paper against wet ink aka "the printing press" aka 'the press') were within common knowledge controlled and or sympathetic to certain political parties. The powers that be could not point to a 'story' generated by the 'press' as really even an approximation of 'fact', the smear couldn't even get off the page Jackson's opponents and their papers decried him as a whore lover and his wife a whore, but everyone knew whether or not that was true, those saying it were doing so to harm him politically , maybe she was a whore , but whatevs right ? Somebody figured out they needed to convince the 'people' that a thing called 'journalism' somehow got hatched and manifest 'itself' with non-partisanship and objectivity. The scourge of yellow journalism is over! Our institutions have created a whole new practice and school of a pure field and all the accredited participants shall from this day forth only pay fealty to the "Truth", a "press' worthy of attention! I'm no etymologist or linguist , but I wonder if 'news' isn't more related to 'gossip or story' then say the concept of chronicle. Freedom of the press meant or should have that pamphleteers may distribute their products and the contents thereof without fear of reprisal from government entities,for and from criticizing the government or individuals up to but not including blatant falsehoods. "Objective News" is the press of the Uniparty, institutionalized fields are 'of' the institutions. Yarvin's concept of the "cathedral"( not even his term but I think he is most associated with it) points to how the centers of power wield it, was the 'grey old lady' really ever at odds, fundamentally, with the 'ivy league'? That is why SC justices today seem perplexed that the 1 st amendment gets in the way of the 'news that is fit to print'.
  9. Cuomo on PBD was worse and better, the more recent one with Candace Owens and Cuomo. Worse because Patrick let Chris bloviate for too long and often, but better because when he came up for a breath and let Candace speak she lit into him and his posturing about his past statements and demeanor on CNN. I'd suggest watching, but if the Tucker interview pained at all, this is worse , but better
  10. I can’t stand Cuomo. I can tolerate a certain level of arrogance but not with unprincipled buffoons. And something is trying really hard to rehabilitate or repackage him for MAGA and adjacent audiences. I was disappointed to see Tucker not even allude to his brother’s acquiescence to elder killings. Disappointed also with PBD’s man crush on Cuomo.
  11. Guess her mission to get Ukraine into NATO or kill them tryin’ is up. Havard needs a new prez yeah ?