John Stossel agains features Atlas Shrugged!

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Again, John Stossel on his show on the Fox Business Channel, devoted a large part of his show to Atlas Shrugged. This time, he had John Aglialoro, his producer, and the actor playing James Taggart.

During this segment, someone in Stossel's audience asked Aglialoro whether the quote attributed to him, that Part Three may be a musical, was accurate. At first, Agliloro started talking again about how they made a very successful movie musical out of Les Miserables. However, Stossel pressed him on this, and Aglialoro admitted that he had said that to get more publicity (i.e., people talking about the movie). So, relax, it will not be a musical (and Ayn can stop revolving in her grave).

Also, the remaining parts: Part II is scheduled to premier April 14, 2012 and Part Three, the same day, 2013.

Oh. Elton John will be cast as John Galt (joke).

This same show will be shown again on Fox Business Channel, probably Friday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings. Most likely, all three.

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> Again, John Stossel on his show on the Fox Business Channel, devoted a large part of his show to Atlas Shrugged. This time, he had John Aglialoro, his producer, and the actor playing James Taggart.

It's amazingly good news how many influential conservatives have jumped on the Atlas Shrugged bandwagon.

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