Michael Stuart Kelly

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About Michael Stuart Kelly

  • Birthday 06/09/1952

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    Michael Stuart Kelly
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  • Articles
    Initial Understanding of Islam on Fundamental Intellectual Issues Thoughts on the 12 Steps and Self-Forgiveness Why the Tolerance and Support? Atlantis in the Wilderness A Hunting Story Moral Perfection Like a Lamb to the Slaughter Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing Going Home... A Few Thoughts on Family Values Where Principles and Rights Break Down The Stigma of Addiction Book Review on an Addiction Fraud - A Million Little Pieces Charmed on a Raw Night The Nature of Private Written Correspondence – The Sciabarra Smear Online Objectivist Mediocrity The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 2 - Moral Ambivalence The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 3 - Brotherhood of Hate The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 4 - Rand's True Value The Virtue of Silliness (w/Kat)

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  1. Printing money is a hidden tax #ShrinkGovernment #InflationView the full article
  2. Zack Snyder compares The Fountainhead to being a movie director.View the full article
  3. Episode 95. Jesse Kelly. Southern border... Michael EDIT: I have to go out right not, but I caught the first 7 minutes or so of this interview. I will watch the rest later. But man, is Jesse spitting fire. He wants the red states to band together and create their own border policy because, he says, the damage being done right now that is sanctioned by the federal government and against the law is irreversible. So it has to be stopped right now irrespective of any law or we lose the country. My kind of dude...
  4. Sad news. According to a post by Marsha Enright on Facebook, Robert Hessen has passed away. I looked all over but could not find any corroboration of this. So I asked her in the thread. She said a friend of the family told her. Rest in peace, Robert Hessen. You were a good man. Michael
  5. Wow... Pavel Durov walked right out of the pages of Atlas Shrugged and took up residence in this world. Not as a politician, but as an entrepreneur. And that's funny because almost all of Silicon Valley started with the innovators quoting Ayn Rand in the middle of the night to each other and now they are Marxists or, worse, Nazis. At best, all of them are Deep State authoritarians. Pavel was born in Russia, but now lives in Dubai. He is 100% devoted to freedom of speech, more so than even Elon Musk. Pavel's devotion is personal and his lens is business, not politics. He left Russia over demands of the government for him to supply user data and he did not settle in any other country in the world due to such demands of governments. He does not have that problem in Dubai. Also, Pavel prefers not to have his own money, a few hundred million dollars as he said it, in assets or investments. He keeps all of it in Bitcoin. The reason? The other stuff takes time and energy and he likes the life of developing Telegram that he is now enjoying. This man is modern-day hero material. I, myself, am going to get more active on Telegram. Michael
  6. How the left is using your tax dollars.View the full article
  7. How the left is using your tax dollars.View the full article
  8. Sanity is slow to arrive after a bout of batshit crazy, but it does come. Michael
  9. Those idiots walked right into this. The judge won't let Trump attend his son's high school graduation ceremony. We all know that Trump has enough clout to get an exemption if he opens up his guns. But, nope. He's going to obey the judge. And he's saying the judge won't let him attend his son's high school graduation ceremony. What's more, he's milking it for everything it's worth. Now think about it. What do people resonate with all the way down to their bones? Traditions like high school or muh Orange Man Bad because muh porn star and mumble mumble mumble? We are talking about hundreds of millions of people looking at this. At the end of everything, I expect this judge's career to be in shambles. Maybe impeached and disbarred. Prison... He has no idea of what he got himself into. I bet the Deep State is bribing him and blackmailing him real good... Michael
  10. Not just China. All the Predator Class Deep Staters and hostile countries are doing this. Since 5th-generation warfare is such an ill-defined term in the media, and since I believe 5th-generation warfare is the true context for the Hamas and Iran kinetic attacks against Israel, people should know what it is. Curious? You should be. It's only the world at stake, including, ultimately, where you live. Here is some correct instruction from James Corbett. Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare RUMBLE.COM TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCE: https://www.corbettreport.com/5thgen/ We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to ide You can get the transcript and sources here: Episode 441 – Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare | The Corbett Report CORBETTREPORT.COM One main pillar of 5th-generation warfare is information warfare. So... what information value does Iran attacking Israel have? Especially since it was such a half-assed attack? Ditto for the Hamas attack for that matter. The way I see it, this ties to the MAGA movement and fellow travelers in other countries like Hungary, Argentina and so on. This is a 5th-generation warfare project to stop the growth of this movement. And it's urgent since this movement is currently taking root everywhere. They already have proof of concept. The worldwide fear factor of COVID was enough to knock Trump off his game when he was president and pave the way for election fraud on such a scale, they stole a presidential election. And, notice, fear is instigated on a wide scale by information. So what about WW3? In a nuclear world at that? Is that enough fear for you? And how about a shit-ton of information about WW3 linked to an actual event that looks like it could be a trigger? Hmmmm?... I believe these attacks on Israel are to gin up worldwide fear and, by that means, the Predator Class hopes to stay in power. This is the ultimate in 5th-generation warfare project in play right now. And the remedy? Hell, all Israel has to do is keep kicking the shit out of whoever attacks it and WW3 will never happen. I am now convinced of this. (And Israel gets the benefit of people thinking that an attack might not be such a good idea...) To the extent Israel appeases these attacks, we get closer to a real world war since the Predator Class incompetents will not stop pushing and, by accident, could end up pushing too far. Meanwhile, they hope to drift into endless smaller wars for profit headed by the US. The only thing that neutralizes this project is a swift and deadly response by Israel each time, preferably without the US. (To the extent it can do that.) I don't like this remedy, but I don't see reality giving many more options... So if you're curious, look at Corbett's report on 5th-generation warfare. You will become smarter than 97% (or more, probably more) of everyone out there who is talking about the attacks against Israel and its response. That doesn't mean other factors are not involved. It just means you will know essential stuff they won't. Michael
  11. Elon has a microphone with pretty good reach. Michael
  12. T, This shows just how rationalistic the Objectivist movement has become. The current Objectivist movement is a big fat floating abstraction made concrete by mush. They no longer connect their ideas to anything in reality, even when the reality is right in front of their noses and honked to death in the media. That's one reason I am here, not there. Doing it my way--in reality--as are those who come here. Michael
  13. One thing will help--the story war. And what story war is happening right now? "The builders of civilization persecuted by the haters of it." Does that remind you of a book? Hmmmmm?... For the real slow people who have not yet had their coffee, I refer to Atlas Shrugged. Americans of all stripes see this so clearly because Ayn Rand fought that battle years ago by writing the book. Even O-Land Trump haters have to realize Trump helped build the New York skyline. Will TDS keep them from seeing this? Michael
  14. I am going to do the kangaroo court in NY stuff here in this MAGA thread. Why? It's not just Trump that is going to beat this thing. MAGA will. In fact, it is not Trump only that is on trial. MAGA is, too. The trial is about election interference and the only way the bad guys see they can stop MAGA in the short term is to stop Trump by any means necessary. You can see the intention clearly here: Judge Merchan Warns Trump He Could Face Jail Time for Missing Court | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Jury selection was underway on Monday morning for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump related to ‘hush payments’ made to porn star Stormy Daniels. It's going to be fun watching all this turn into a society-wide boomerang. Those crazy idiots are not going to know what hit them, and it will be their own goddam boomerang, the one they threw at Trump. Michael