Michael Stuart Kelly

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About Michael Stuart Kelly

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    Michael Stuart Kelly
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    Initial Understanding of Islam on Fundamental Intellectual Issues Thoughts on the 12 Steps and Self-Forgiveness Why the Tolerance and Support? Atlantis in the Wilderness A Hunting Story Moral Perfection Like a Lamb to the Slaughter Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing Going Home... A Few Thoughts on Family Values Where Principles and Rights Break Down The Stigma of Addiction Book Review on an Addiction Fraud - A Million Little Pieces Charmed on a Raw Night The Nature of Private Written Correspondence – The Sciabarra Smear Online Objectivist Mediocrity The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 2 - Moral Ambivalence The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 3 - Brotherhood of Hate The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 4 - Rand's True Value The Virtue of Silliness (w/Kat)

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  1. Episode 98. Jeremy Carl, author of The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart. (referral link) Tucker goes there. He discusses the hardening racism against white people. Talk about moving the Overton Window. Now that this issue is reaching the mainstream as a backlash instead of a lash, maybe the hatred-based silliness can finally dissolve and fade away. Michael
  2. The Death of Learning: The Atlas Society Asks John AgrestoView the full article
  3. No US flag in sight #Taxes #ShrinkGovernment #AynRandView the full article
  4. I have a cute social media anecdote. I watch things happen on Facebook without writing much. Once in a while I make comments to help a person or something, but it is rare. I always get requests to be friends with someone, though. Before accepting, I go to their page to see who they are. The tricky part is the pretty ladies. A lot of them are spam and I delete their requests. Well, one particular pretty lady did show up the other day asking to be friends. I went to her page and saw she has been a member of Facebook for some time and talks about O-Land things. She was not only pretty, she was high-class. Lots of photos of her in rich surroundings. Something felt off, but I thought what the hell. I accepted the request. The next day I got a private message from her. Did she say hello? Or nice to meet you? Or anything dealing with O-Land? Nope. Here is the interaction we had. HER: Can I ask you a question, Michael? ME: Confucius say: "Whenever stranger start with, 'Can I ask you question?,' cover wallet with hand." I'm still waiting for a follow-up. Michael
  5. This is starting to become a thing. People who did not take the jab and were relentlessly mocked for it are now having to care for those who mocked them. Why? Because the mockers are jab-injured. Reality doesn't care who mocks. Reality doesn't care who doesn't mock either. Reality is as it is and it ain't changing. Michael EDIT: Also, here is a meme I harvested on the Interwebs.
  6. Here's an update. Afghanistan has become the largest terrorist training camp on earth thanks to Biden and his form of withdrawal and embezzlement. Is there anything Biden and his people have not fucked up? Michael
  7. Ayn Rand Fan Club 68: On For the New Intellectual (Part 1)View the full article
  8. The Tucker interview with Rogan prompted some comedy online. Tucker talked about his religious beliefs, including his doubts about evolution. This caused a shit storm in a teapot online from some hifalutin intellectuals. But there's a rub. The same intellectuals who made fun of Tucker for not fully believing in evolution... well... what do they do elsewhere? They propose the idea that we might be living in a simulation. They describe this as some kind of superior intelligence who made a huge videogame and we are all a part of it. Intelligent design anyone? Heh... It turns out that the very people throwing rocks live in the same goddam glass house. Michael
  9. I just had a dead day. I spent 3 hours on a long post to go here, but a computer glitch ate it right as I was posting it. Shit and damn it. No problem. Tomorrow will be a better day. Be there when it happens... There you have it, a story template if you can see it. What I said happened in reality just now, and it was no fun. But it's still a template. At least I will get this template out of that sucker. (I smile to keep from torturing small animals and breaking shit right now...) Michael
  10. Joe Rogan interviewed Tucker. This is a long one and I have not seen it yet, but I will. I bet it is fascinating. In case that goes down, here is the Bitchute version: Joe Rogan Experience #2138 - Tucker Carlson | Joe Rogan WWW.BITCHUTE.COM Tucker Carlson is the host of the "Tucker Carlson Podcast" and the leading voice in American politics. After spending nearly 30 years in cable news as a host at Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN, he is reshaping the media landscape with his... I think the mainstream media doesn't get why these guys are so popular. It's simple. They don't lie to their audience. They might get something wrong once in a blue moon. But when they find out, they correct themselves. Not because they were caught and want to save face, but because they don't like to lie to their audience. Maybe this is making a comeback. Michael
  11. Woke Vocabulary?View the full article
  12. Here is all the climate science you need to know in order to detect the manmade climate change hoax. Zero. The issue is fear. And this issue was paid for by 3 billionaires: Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer and Hank Paulson. They funded a project to scare the crap out of everyone using manmade climate change as their pretext. These men are not stupid, so they applied their money well and the results rippled out into the culture and caught on like a wildfire. You can read about this story below. The "Amazing Tale" of How Three Billionaires Plunged the World into Climate Catastrophism – The Daily Sceptic DAILYSCEPTIC.ORG Do you think that the constant catastrophising of weather and climate in science and the media has just appeared by accident? In fact, a few fanatical billionaires are bankrolling the propaganda, says Chris Morrison. And Climate Cooking ROGERPIELKEJR.SUBSTACK.COM How a few billionaires helped push climate science to the extremes Anytime we see the government and big money allied to fear in the culture, we need to be extremely skeptical. But there's more. I am not a big fan of well-funded science these days because I look at the funders and don't like what I see. But wait. There's even more. We all know if you want moral integrity from a scientist when big money gets involved, go to another planet. You won't find that animal here on earth. Maybe there's an exception here and there, but they are like a single rose growing through a crack in the floor of a broken down church in a desert tumbleweed town. Heh. Maybe I went overboard with the metaphor, but it's better than the sewer metaphor, which represents to perfection the modern day science community when big money comes around... Just think of all of those detailed manmade climate change discussions we lived through by people pretending to be experts. And, in the end, the real story comes out and all these learned experts were nothing but toys of billionaires and crony government manipulators. What dorks! Apropos, Scott Adams said it well (which is where I got the above article from). Three vain billionaires fucking around with public fear. It's just that simple. If you want to fight this and win, you do not start with the science. You have to start here: human nature to be commanded must be obeyed. Michael
  13. Here's another notice of how Sidney is eviscerating the lawfare authoritarians. First she wins a case like this, then this precedent ripples far and wide as she, and others, use it to take the bastards apart. 3 Democrat judges side unanimously with Trump lawyer Sidney Powell in dismissal of ethics case LAWANDCRIME.COM "By its own admission, the Bar misidentified or failed to include multiple exhibits it claims to have relied on." The lesson? Do not make a martyr out of a relentless and detailed advocate for accuracy and the truth. People like that do not roll over and die. They don't stop. The difference between people like Sidney Powell and a Predator Class hack like, say, Marc Elias is that Elias's results are always short-term and usually overturned later. Sidney's results take time, but they tend to be permanent. Just ask Mike Flynn. Michael
  14. This is the way Sidney Powell roles. She wins in the end. On appeal. Trump ally Sidney Powell secures legal victory in Texas appeals case JUSTTHENEWS.COM A Texas court previously threw out the case last year after determining that the state bar provided no evidence to conclude that Powell had believed the lawsuits were “frivolous” at the time. There's more to come, but this is a good start at trashing the lawfare the Predator Class employed against her. Michael