Ya Think Marketing's Easy?

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Ya Think Marketing's Easy?

Think again:

Product somehow succeeds without social media bullshit
The Daily Mash
(spoof news site)

From the article:

A PACKET of four-inch roofing nails is mysteriously selling to the public without having a Facebook page.

. . .

“Amazingly they were just there on a shelf, in a strange, alien pack that didn't have a quirky story about the founders’ passion for nails.

“They seem to work. But I don’t feel engaged with their consumer narrative.”

Maybe this is only for marketers, but I can't stop laughing...




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btw - This reminds me of an irreverent joke I heard in Brazil about a Portuguese nail manufacturer.

Joaquim, the owner of Mão de Ferro Nails, decided to open a branch in Rome near Vatican city.

He put up a huge billboard with Jesus hanging on the cross. The caption read: "Mão de Ferro Nails. A long tradition of quality and reliability."

The local authorities went nuts. They told him he could not use an iconic religious image like that for advertisement. That it was so offensive, it would result in people disturbing the peace. Besides, come on...

Joaquim did not argue. He said he would change it. The next day, the billboard had Jesus still on the cross, but with one hand free and extended to the public in a thumbs up. He was smiling and winking. The caption read: "Guess which side uses Mão de Ferro Nails?"

The local authorities went even more nuts. They told Joaquim to remove Jesus from the billboard or they would throw him in jail.

The next day there was an empty cross on the billboard with the caption: "If only they had used Mão de Ferro Nails."



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