people throw themselves at cars for money

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Bought my last work truck new for $10K cash. Used it for 17 years. Then sold it in 3 days for $4K cash.

I know how to squeeze a nickel 'til the buffalo s**ts. :wink:

"No man may be smaller than his money."

--Ayn Rand

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In Brazil, they used to do this stuff differently.

A person is either lying in the road or throws themself on the car and falls down. When the driver stops, out come the bandits from the shadows for a hold up.


When there's a critical mass of people with rotten values they create a rotten government which is just like they are...

...and this is why government can never be any better than those it governs.


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For the record, most of the Brazilians I met and observed don't have rotten personal values. They are some of the nicest, warmest, most beautiful people I have ever seen--much more so in a general sense than an average group of Americans.

But they do have rotten political values. I believe this comes from over-emphasis on a paternalistic family structure. They expect their government to be like their family with the father figure commanding and wielding near-absolute power (even when the father figure is a woman), but there is a strong live and let live undertow for getting around the commandments that come down on high. In short, Brazilians in general are like children and their simple delight in living is a joy to be around.

This one defect, making the leader more important than principles, is what spoils a lot of great stuff in Brazil. Barring that, most Brazilians live their day-to-day lives according to many great principles. If you ever go there, you will see what I mean.


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For the record, most of the Brazilians I met and observed don't have rotten personal values. They are some of the nicest, warmest, most beautiful people I have ever seen--much more so in a general sense than an average group of Americans.

But they do have rotten political values. I believe this comes from over-emphasis on a paternalistic family structure. They expect their government to be like their family with the father figure commanding and wielding near-absolute power (even when the father figure is a woman), but there is a strong live and let live undertow for getting around the commandments that come down on high. In short, Brazilians in general are like children and their simple delight in living is a joy to be around.

This one defect, making the leader more important than principles, is what spoils a lot of great stuff in Brazil. Barring that, most Brazilians live their day-to-day lives according to many great principles. If you ever go there, you will see what I mean.


I believe your first person description of your own experience. Nice warm and beautiful don't determine political values. The nice warm and beautiful can very well be weak.. I live in an area where my neighbors vote 84% liberal Democrat, and my experience is also similar to yours.

As I see it, it is not patriarchal family structure that creates those huge leftist governments, but a matriarchal structure. Where weak infantilized leftist males who failed to become men need a big socialist government to be their mommie.

Need creates big leftist government.

A patriarchal system is where a man finds the moral strength within himself to become a sovereign individual who doesn't need government to be his mommie.

America was originally created as a nation by men with this quality... and that's what made it a Capitalist island surrounded by a sea of leftist socialist s**tholes....

... except that island is now sinking into the cesspool.


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As I see it, it is not patriarchal family structure that creates those huge leftist governments...


Believe it or not, Brazil does not have a leftist government, especially not a leftist dictatorship. It is crony capitalism on steroids.

The leftist stuff is all in the rhetoric, not in the actions. My favorite profession to illustrate this is despachante. This is a person you pay to (officially) do the government paperwork and (unofficially) to bribe government bureaucrats. This guy was around since the Military Dictatorship and before.

In a funny manner, this takes the teeth out of politicians and turns government into a place to put people of low moral character--to get them out of the way, so to speak--so normal people can get on with their daily living. They treat the cost of despachantes kind of like a tax to fund a nursing home for corrupt people. :smile:

In Brazil, the vice president does not have to be of the same political party as the president. So when Lula first became president, he ran as a member of the left-wing Labor Party and his vice (José Alencar) ran for the equivalent of the Libertarian Party.

But in Brazil, they don't stay on the edges. The Labor Party became less about labor and the Libertarian Party ultimately ceded to a Christian right Republican version. And neither of them were consistent in their morphs.

Like they say down there, it all ended in pizza. From what I can tell from online news--after being away for over 10 years--it still does.


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As I see it, it is not patriarchal family structure that creates those huge leftist governments...


Believe it or not, Brazil does not have a leftist government, especially not a leftist dictatorship. It is crony capitalism on steroids.

In my opinion, "crony capitalism" is leftist... an unethical system based on pull... not on production. Leftists are big on controlling the use of words. That's why they coined the term "crony capitalism" in order to obfuscate the real meaning by attaching what is leftist onto the right.

Only genuine Capitalism has ethical standards of behavior. Remove those and you have something else that isn't it.


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